

Thursday October 24th, 2024 

This experience happened at home around 4 in the afternoon. It was a nice warm day out with a bit of humidity. It felt fine considering Florida weather in fall can range from hot and humid to chilly. I was standing on my driveway near the open garage door. I was looking past a row of mango trees towards the back of the property. I was also watching the chickens who were under the trees and scratching at the ground looking for bugs. Some were coming over to the driveway and looking for bugs too. A black hen came over and looked at me. I walked up to her and she took off which I thought was funny. Some of them are cautious around people. 

 Sometimes I think about the people I listen to online in the alt media or people I have seen out in public or ones I used to know. Sometimes my mind will race with all kinds of questions about them and many scenarios playing out like their past lives or how strong their souls are. What are they like in real life? What if alt media subjects were brought up by them? What would I say? Would I open up about things with them and try and wake them up? How would they respond? Many of these scenarios play out while I daydream and it started up while I was watching the trees and chickens. 

In my daydream I was talking to an online personality and an alt media figure as well. The topic of the event, mass arrest of the cabal, and release of suppressed technologies and information was brought up. I summed it all up and the online personality, not necessarily awake in real life, was open to the idea and listening while the alt media figure said it was never going happen. I was then snapped out of the daydream by many crows flying directly overhead. 

I could hear the noise from their wings flapping and a bit of crowing too. I was surprised by it. A flock of crows is called a murder of crows and this one was in a sort of column five across and many crows long. I tried counting by fives and then stopped. A hundred must of passed overhead but they kept coming. I didnt even bother counting but if I had to guess it was roughly two to three hundred at least without any breaks. It could of been a lot more. 

From there smaller groups continued to fly overhead for a minute or so until a final five flew overhead and it ended. I thought it was funny because right after I thought of the event and fall of the archon network and cabal the crows showed up. Especially after the idea that nothing will change. The crows were almost like a symbolic challenge to that idea. 

This already happened once before maybe five years ago. I was listening to a general tarot and astrology reading by Bonnie Astrology on her youtube channel. She pulled an animal spirit card at the end and it was the crow. The next day in the early afternoon there were over a hundred crows mostly in the neighbors yard and some at the foot of the driveway. I counted by fives out of curiosity. There were way more this time. The same thing happened again but Bonnie Astrology pulled a raven card and the next day there were groups of ravens flying overhead, maybe a few dozen in total. 

Crows and ravens can represent an end of a cycle, death and rebirth, intuition and psychic abilities, and many other things. It just seemed to fit the subject and it was also the timing and the shear volume of them. I took it as a sign that all of this will end. I dont remember the youtubers name but I checked out another astrology tarot channel a couple days before and they pulled an owl card. While walking the dog I could hear a barren owl making their typical call. They sound like hoo or who cooks for you as some say. 

There arent many different routes where I can walk the dog in the area so we went our usual route. It was taking us closer to the owl. I could hear my father on our driveway back down the road outside trying to call the owl over which was unusual for him although he did call a couple of owls into the yard before. He would usually be inside at night. We got to one of the neighbors yards and I was shining a light up into their oak trees to find the owl. I got to one oak near their driveway and the owl was calling directly overhead very loudly. I got a good look at it and we continued our walk. 

I had to put something absurd in here for comedic purposes and I thought the following videos were funny when I was younger. What is really disturbing is how influential the trashmen and family guy became. They are a part of the decline of western civilization. I used to like things like family guy, mad tv, and the naked gun because they parodied and caricatured the way people and society actually are. 

The Trashmen - The Bird is the Word 

Family guy The Bird is the Word

Thursday November 7th, 2024

I have been re-reading one of my favorite books titled Padre Pio The True Story by C Bernard Ruffin. He was a protestant but gave his book an objective tone to the catholic mystic Padre Pio while still being open and fair about all of the mystical and supernatural aspects of Pios story. You get something scholarly and factual while still exploring the unexplainable parts with openness to the supernatural. I feel a connection with the story and with Pio. I even considered that I am Pio reincarnated but regardless I believe there is some importance in relation to myself and I hope to find it. 

A couple of nights before November 7th I got a sleep paralysis paranormal attack at night which I have not had for a while. I feel some connection with Pio, I read the book, and then am attacked. Of course. In the experience I became aware that I was trapped in what appeared to be my room but it was not. It may of looked like an old room in my childhood home although I couldnt remember it perfectly and did not write it till later. I started screaming to wake myself up. I then woke up in my current bedroom but there was a soccer ball sized swirling black portal which I have seen entities go through before. I knew I was still asleep and began screaming again until I actually awoke. 

On the 7th I had a strange dream before waking. I dont recall much about it but I was with people who I dont believe were hostile but I have no idea what they looked like or who they were. I just remember there were others with me. What I do remember is that we saw up in sky coming over the cloudy horizon thousands of crows. There were so many of them that I was in awe. It like a wave of crows coming over the horizon. It was a bit overcast outside in the dream but not dark and stormy or something. The clouds were not that dark and everything had a sort of glow. I think the clouds may of been concealing the sun. It was like I could see the brightness that was being concealed and something was going to happen. Death and rebirth. 

With the theme in the previous post of things will never change and then hundreds of crows make their presence known overhead instantly this to me signifies massive endings and changes. As if to reinforce that in this dream there were not hundreds but thousands. I woke up and later that day I saw quite a few crows flying in groups of dozens. It could of been one hundred or more in total.

 CDN media


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