Were these the archon network invisibles?

Today on January 13th, 2022 I read the Portal 2012 situation update. The invisibles were mentioned and I am very curious because I have seen something similar to what was described multiple times: blurry spherical anomalous objects. Were these the invisibles?

December 29th, 2018

Today on the 29th, I took a nap in the afternoon. I was attacked in my sleep. While typing this I had to stop and go wake one of my parents dogs. It was whimpering very loudly as if it was crying out for help and trying to wake itself up. The dogs will wake up and growl at something across the room. All of the attacks I have had where I awake to something across the room make me think the dogs are being attacked as well. Back to the story.

So I awoke lying on my left side, facing the bedroom wall, while looking slightly up. I was paralyzed but I was able to open my eyes and look around. What I saw was a little different than what I would usually see. Instead of a figure or a dark sphere I saw these slightly blurry colorless spheres, maybe softball sized, slowly hovering in front of the wall. I dont remember how many there were. I am thinking maybe two or three? I could see the white wall through them, the white was just distorted. Flying around and through these spheres were around a dozen tiny black spheres, a little smaller than a dime. I kept saying "No" to them and visualizing the white fire of An engulfing them and it did work. I got control of my body pretty easily and did not go back to sleep. They were definitely anomalous, but they did not seem that strong. It looked like spheres of concentrated anomaly with little globs of black plasma goo orbiting and swarming around it. I awoke to these maybe a few times in late 2019 and early 2020. 

I dont know if this next part is true but If the invisibles can take other forms or cause various paranormal phenomena this may explain my numerous unexplainable experiences I have had. If not then I have possibly seen these colorless spheres a few times.


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