Paranormal Decade Part 6

Mid July to late August, 2021 

I had decided not to blog about anything for a while, hence my system failure post. Ill make an exception for this one as it seems different. I feel we are at a point now where more people are waking up but many are really fighting it and unfortunately they are making it look easy. The conflicting experts, studies, numbers, etc relating to corona madness is overwhelming. The tyranny is too obvious and the only thing that will bring more progress at this point is the matrix and all of its control systems failing. I dont know when or exactly how it will happen but it must and I will go from there and deal with things after words accordingly. Its why I put the neo quote from the matrix in the system failure post. Until then I feel the need to cut myself off from all of it as much as possible until the time feels right. 

Since my last posts I had a hospital visit in mid July and went on a small trip to central Florida. In late August I hopefully resolved my legal troubles for good which is a major relief. I have seen some entities and had some mild attacks but I have had so much worse that I take it as a good sign. I got my mind off of things in August with some tv and video games. I played through the halo series from halo 1 all the way to halo 4. Its still one of my favorites after many years. I also played gears of war 1 and 2 and will play through the third one soon. Seemingly useless or negative activities can have major value at times. 

Lots of loud thunder and lightning while I am typing this. Its very distracting. Now its pouring rain.

Among other things I have been seeing lots of birds. There is a youtube channel called saturn secrets with general astrology and tarot readings. The animal spirt card that came up recently while I was watching was the crow. The very next day I went outside in mid afternoon. Twenty feet in front of the garage is a gravel driveway. On the other side of that is a cattle fence and next to that is my next door neighbors enormous yard. This area used to be all orange groves and you can still see the rows where the trees were planted. In between these rows the ground drops off and is a bit lower. After heavy rains these lower spots collect water and between that and the saturated ground there are lots of bugs. 

So when I went outside I was a little surprised to see hundreds of birds all over the neighbors yard. They didnt go very close to the dozen palm and mango trees but everywhere else was covered with these white and brown birds. The ground near the cattle fence nearby was empty until a huge murder of crows swooped down from some oaks nearby covering the rest of the neighbors yard, the section of the cattle fence in front of me, as well as a part of the gravel driveway. I tried counting them by fives and there were well over fifty, possibly one hundred. They returned the following day and then again the next week at least once.

Monday September 6th, 2021 
I fell asleep sometime before sunrise and woke up some time after sunrise, right after some sort of attack. It started as some sort of dream. I dont remember the details very well but I was talking to some sort of holistic health person. It just so happens a holistic health center opened up nearby in real life. So in the dream this healer was with me in what may of been my old childhood home. The closet in my old bedroom was very dark and there was definitely a strong dark presence coming from there. The healer was shocked and I asked if there was anything she could do about it. 

The dream took a turn for the worst. I went into the bathroom and realized I was being attacked and could not control the dream. I started trying to wake myself up by yelling help or wake up but could not hear myself like usual. I heard evil childish laughter, either from a demonic or from small greys, and I was forced to look into the mirror where I saw my reflection looking back but bearing large vampire teeth. I do think the archons had dark plans for me. I woke up in a large library, maybe in a school, with some children who may of been around ten years old. I asked if they heard me yelling for help and they said yes. I asked why they didnt help wake me up. They didnt really say anything coming across as indifferent and numb. 

I think thats when I woke up. I had been a little upset recently considering the public largely going along with evil or just being indifferent to it. They seem like children and my negative feelings towards them may be wrong and may lead to a more negative path. The negative path may lead to something dark, symbolized by the vampire teeth. There are other possibilities as well. I had been watching a little alt media as well and to be honest current events seem pretty negative.  

Although this was a negative experience it was different than usual. I could not try and wake myself up and did not feel the usual dark presence when I awoke. I dont know why but it seemed like the darkness where ever this was, maybe the astral, had less connection with the physical plane. Although the outside world does look bad on my families favorite news channel or the alt media I have cutting those things out as much as possible and I have been feeling better. Does this difference have anything to do with the darks being cleared out? 

Wednesday September 8th, 2021 
I fell asleep sometime before sunrise and woke up sometime afterwards. Right before waking I had a strange dream that seemed to change multiple times although I have limited recall of the dream like usual. My mother recently went to see some family members. I did not accompany her but she did bring me back something from her trip. My cousin bought me a little figure of Sir Daniel Fortesque who was a fictional character from an old video game called medieval. He was a knight who died in battle and was  resurrected. He saves a kingdom and returns to the grave. The medieval games have not aged well. 

In my dream I was with people who sort of resembled the same family members my mother visited and had some of their traits but they looked kind of strange and dark. They seemed like eastern europeans or russians (in real life these people are not slavic) and they were wearing all black clothing and had black hair but something was off about them, like they were cartoon vampires or something. One of them kind of looked like elvira. If vampires are real they would probably hide it better. These people seemed like they could of been in the munsters or the adams family. One of them resembled my cousin and for some reason we went to walmart which is something these family members actually do. I dont see vampires being walmart people for some reason. I am not sure what we did at walmart but I do remember walking along the front of the store where the people are paying for cheap walmart stuff. 

The next part of the dream I was in a nice home. There was this open room with seats and potted plants inside of the front door and it was just the entrance into the rest of the house. My parents dogs were there and we were looking around this house. Another dog was there for some reason that had straight dark grey brown hair with highlights in it. I dont think it was a real dog breed. I dont remember anything else. 

Thursday September 9th, 2021 
In the late afternoon I lied down on my driveway on some exercise mats. The sun was not quite setting yet but it was getting close. It still appeared bright through the leaves of an oak tree in the front yard from my place on the driveway. I sat up and thought of some people I used to know and occasionally talked to years ago. It was some of my teenage friends. I thought of the song in the end by the band linkin park for some reason. Its a band I didnt have anything against, just never listened to. Maybe my friends used to listen to it. It does have a teen angst vibe to it. Linkin parks vocalist was allegedly one of the podestas illegitimate kids and was against the poser elites and was killed...maybe for wanting to go public. 

Later that night I went to the grocery store and rushed home after because I had purchased among other things a couple bags of ice. I reached an intersection close to my home and found the roadway blocked off by signs and traffic cones. This roadway has been under construction (widened roads and a small bridge) for close to five years and its still not even done yet. I had to take a detour very out of the way with my ice melting in the seat next to me. Before I reached the detour I had put the radio on and of course what had literally just started playing? In the end by linkin park. Because of the detour I had ample time to listen to it the whole way through which really stood out. 

Tuesday September 14th, 2021 
I had a dream that I remember very little of but decided to post about anyways. The only two parts of the dream I remember are one where I was in some sort of special forces type training. I was using stealth and I dont remember if I was supposed to or not but I snuck up behind a soldier or mercenary in a ski mask and snapped their neck. They looked maybe slavic. I had been reading the first halo book the last few days and training was a theme in the book so it could of just been that. The other part I remember was standing with a small crowd. Their were a lot of shirtless young men and one kept trying to fight me. He looked a little like Leon Kennedy from resident evil. It seemed like he was trying to show off in front of everyone, especially a young woman who was sitting nearby. I got tired of it and started throwing  punches at him. I used to do mixed martial arts and I had decent hands. I danced around and made him look foolish. He stopped. I think the young woman was a certain vampire. I dont remember which of these dreams happened first. 

Later that day around 7:30 pm I was making a shopping list for the grocery store. My mother had asked me a few times to go and when I was ready she took forever to tell me what she wanted. She seemed like she could not hear me as she was looking at her computer screen. It was like something was holding me up at the house. I left and had to stop a few houses down the gravel road that we live off of to adjust the driver seat back for more leg room as well as the rear view mirror. My father who is taller than me drove the truck last so it didnt make sense why the seat was too close to the steering wheel, although the mirror was adjusted for someone taller which did. After fixing them I continued down the gravel road to a main road which would take me to the store. I stopped and waited for some traffic to pass. 

This particular main road had two lanes on each side separated by a concrete median with shrubs and trees. On the other side two pick up trucks passed by with large granite slabs standing vertically in the flat beds. The second truck was a dark gray color and what really grabbed my attention was the number 117 in decals on the side and back of the truck. The number font was like the monster energy drink font. I have a history of seeing 117 and the only reason I saw it was because I got held up at the house and then on the gravel road. Granite also has a high quartz content and metaphysical properties. At the store I was picking up some produce. I crossed paths with an employee who has worked there for more than a couple of years. She is friendly and gave me a coupon once for some gatorades I was picking up for my father. She also accidently broke a small glass pan I purchased while helping me bag my groceries. We said hello. She has a smaller build with blonde hair and blue eyes and may be in high school. People with these features sometimes remind me of the Pleiadians.

Later that night after 12:30 I decided to walk one of my parents dogs. We headed down the gravel road in the opposite direction of the main road, which leads towards some cow pastures and lots of wooded lots with some houses here and there. Most of it is fenced off with typical cattle fences; wood posts with barbed wire. The half moon was covered in cloud and had almost set. The sky had a decent amount of cloud cover and it all just seemed to glow. It was one of those nights were you could see really well without any street lights or anything even though you have no business being able to. I looked up the sky as I passed some houses. One of the larger clouds had a hole in it exposing a very bright star, almost rainbow colored. We walked down the road to an area that had pasture on one side and woods on the other for a long stretch. The grass was growing pretty tall in the pasture especially along the fences which concealed a boar hog. It heard us and made a lot of noise as it ran off through the pasture. I decided to go back home. My father had gotten home late and was eating dinner. I looked at the stove top clock and it was 1:17 am. 

Thursday September 16th, 2021 
I had been feeling a bit off for a few days. I felt like the energy around me was a little negative and oppressive. I went to bed with an uneasy feeling and fell asleep around 5 am. I suddenly woke up and the energy was rapidly and  simultaneously improving. I fell asleep again, this time more easily than before. It felt much safer to sleep. I have experienced far more shocking things but it was still noteworthy. 

Tuesday September 28th, 2021 
Days before this post I had dreams that involved training including swimming and using water to sneak and infiltrate into places. The areas looked like flooded homes and warehouses. I could see the navy seals or other special forces using some of these strategies and training exercises. I was also moving around in another dream with lots of other people similar to the caravans moving over the southern border. I think I was traveling with Randy Maugans from offplanet media for some reason. On the 28th I found out in the early afternoon that my mother wasnt feeling well. She felt very weak and had low back pain like she had pulled a muscle. Thats when she fell and hit her head too. She didnt want to go to the hospital but my father talked her into it. She had a heart attack and didnt realize it which is actually common. I did the only thing I could and went about my day after she went to the hospital and was doing better. It may seem strange but I feel like everything will be okay. 

I dont think any of this was coincidence. A few days before she wanted me to mow the lawn. I was late getting started and then the mower started giving me trouble. My father got it working but the engine belt tore half way through mowing. My father had to get his tractor and mow the yard a couple days later. This also happened right when I was basically through my legal troubles that I had been going through the last couple of years. The week before that, my younger brothers girlfriend moved back in. He pressured my mother in a sort of sudden and manipulative way, guilt tripping her. They claim its for a few weeks but I am skeptical and they have already caused drama here with the girls parents even coming to complain to my father about my brother. I felt good before she moved in like things were working out a little better for me day to day but afterwards it just seemed like things were hijacked. 

Thursday September 30th, 2021 
Sometime after midnight I was watching part of a five hour youtube video called x factor winner reveals worlds most secret religion. The video exposes how the masonic orders are basically running the world. There is a part where he shows Louis Armstrong performing at a freemason lodge with 1111 as part of the address. I paused the video for a minute and my mind immediately went to the new age movement, possibly infiltrated and taken over or even started by the masonic orders, referencing 11 11 and also all of the times I have seen this number my self. As I thought about it I looked at the time on my computer. The time on my old lab top is a few hours off so even though it was actually around 2 am, the time on the computer read 11:11 pm. Occurrences like this happen almost daily. 

Early October 2021 
I was having lots of 117 and 11 11 experiences in early October. My financial situation is gradually improving and as that is happening I keep seeing 144, although I am not going to give examples. I had a paranormal attack that I will again not go into detail with but there are still dark entities around pushing our buttons and attacking weak spots. With my brothers girlfriend being here temporarily and also my sister and niece here to help out after my mothers heart attack the house is a little noisy and cramped but I am dealing with that the best I can. It just seemed like things were feeling better leading up to August and into September and then things were sort of hijacked. I have been exercising and walking my parents dogs at night for a couple of weeks and I havent been able to exercise consistently for the last five years so weights and running are a big deal for me. 

On October 6th I randomly thought of something from my early childhood which was me sitting in the back of my mothers red convertible ford mustang. She was listening to the song magic man by heart. Its one of the first songs I remember hearing. On Thursday October 7th around 8 pm I got into my pickup to go to the grocery store. I only listen to two stations; one classic rock and one a little more modern. Most of the music is not to my taste but they will occasionally have something I will listen to. I switched to the classic rock station and it was thirty seconds in to magic man. 

On Friday October 8th around 10 pm I was walking my parents dog during some light rain. It had been overcast and rainy in the late afternoon so there was a slight chill which was a nice change from the typical hot humid south Florida weather. Sometimes the area, which is a rural suburb tucked away within a city, can be very dark at night. It was almost bright out, maybe from the street lights in the surrounding city reflecting off of the clouds overhead. Everything just sort of glowed. Energetically things felt good but not quite surreal and magical. 

We walked past a cow pasture and saw an owl with a pretty large wing span. It flew and landed on the power lines. I thought of the spirit animal concept. Owls can see in the dark and I could see perfectly on this night. As I walked past I pointed a flash light up towards it to see if I could make its yellow eyes glow which I failed to do. It flew further up the road in front of me and my parents dog. It landed on the power lines in front of a red farm house recently bought by a neighbor. I walked past it and left it alone. We walked down the road and came back once the rain picked up a little. The owl was still perched in the same place as before. As I passed the owl I made its eyes glow with the flashlight again. It averted its gaze and as it did I saw its eyes. Seeing the large glowing yellow eyes I thought of the entity my mercenary friend had seen many years ago which had similar eyes to an owl. 

Wednesday October 13th, 2021 
A few days before this experience on the 13th I had multiple dreams which I could not recall afterwards. They involved, like many dreams I have had, what appeared to be schools and department stores. In one of these I was speaking with someone who may of been the blonde haired young women who works at the grocery store near me. I think we got into prepping or the high arsenic content in rice or something like that and she seemed really uninterested in it and kind of put off. In the early morning of the 13th, I had a dream which I dont recall much of but I do remember one part of it fairly well. 

One of my old neighbors that I used to occasionally talk to was in it. Some of these neighbors were a lot younger than I was and while it may sound strange that I was friends with high school kids and even some of their middle school friends the truth is that the other people their age as well as the cabal run institutions were seriously harming these kids, not me. Even though my intentions were good society would see this interaction as strange or dangerous. I hope I was a good influence on them. They helped me keep my sanity in a time where I was increasingly isolated and having increasing amounts of paranormal activity, and was about to go into a period of even further isolation around 2015 to 2016 which has continued to the present day. 

I am not sure of the dreams location. I faintly remember it looking like a ruined city, in the enclosed part of a bridge or tunnel. In some of my dreams I have seen sunny light blue skies above these reoccurring abandoned cities. So here I was with this person in a large concrete enclosure illuminated by this soft but bright light entering though the holes in the walls and ceiling. This particular person was about fourteen years old when I knew her years ago and she looked to be in her early twenties which is how old she would be now in real life and how old I was when I knew her. She was happy to see me and we spoke about things which I cannot recall. I wouldnt say we were in love in this dream but it seemed very caring. At one point I was speaking and  she moved in to hug me and was taken aback by my apparently bad breath. This kept happening and I had to just stop talking and just let her hug me. I have no idea what happened after that and I eventually woke up and thought that it was kind of a nice but odd dream. 

The afternoon of the 13th I experienced a synchronicity that keeps happening for some reason, outside of the usual 11:11, 12:12, 1:17,1:44, and other numbers on clocks. I passed by the kitchen and noticed it was 7:11 pm, a reversal of 1:17, and went into the garage. Before entering the garage I passed by the washing machine and noticed my brothers girlfriend was doing laundry. The digital screen on the washing machine said 1 cycle and had 19 minutes left. It looks like 119 or 911 reversed. Not long after I got a call from my father who asked for me to tell my brother to call him. I was outside for around five minutes looking for my brother before going back into the house. When I entered I saw the washing machine digital display. It said 1 cycle and 17 minutes which looks like 117 on the display. It went from 19 minutes down  to 17 even though five to ten minutes had passed. The experience of walking into the room to 117 on the machine has been almost daily. The other one I keep seeing is 1 cycle and 1 hour 11 minutes on the display, which looks exactly like 11:11. 

Monday October 18th, 2021 
I have always had trouble sleeping which I have mentioned many times on my blog. So of course I was not sleeping in the early morning of the 18th and was instead on my labtop computer. I put my computer on sleep mode. I rearranged an object in the room which was a couple of stacked buckets with packing paper inside of the top bucket and a small throw rug draped over the top. As I did this my computer turned back on by itself. It is old so my first thought was that it was on its way out. I opened the labtop and was surprised to see the time: 12:21 am. The time on the labtop is off by a few hours so I went into the kitchen to see what the actual time was. The digital stove top clock said 3:21. 

I have seen 12:12 and its mirror 12:21 many times and I have seen 3:21 many times as well, but usually not in a strange combination like this with the computer turning on by itself. The first thing I thought of when I saw 12:21 was CoBras 12 21 protocol which I have had some success with in the past. On the 17th I listened to nightflights talk with Mazaki Miyagawa about the numerology of 2022. He mentioned the subject of astrocartography which I briefly looked into. According to a random site I used most of my lines ran through Alaska, especially the central and western portions. I had another line running through Russia, Mongolia, and China. One ran from Alaska to Japan and from there Indonesia and the Philippines. One key place was west Africa and another was of the west coast of India. I was really thinking about this subject, especially with all of the lines running through Alaska, when this 12:21 experience happened. 

Friday October 22nd, 2021 
For a few weeks I have only been able to fall asleep at sunrise but all of a sudden today I could not and didnt sleep. I do remember dozing off but it couldnt of been for more than thirty minutes. My household has been noisy and chaotic as of late and I have not been very happy. I am very sensitive to energy and noise and I have not been able to be alone for a long time. I never have the house to myself. My sleep cycle is erratic. Sometimes I will go days or weeks only able to sleep after sunrise only to have it change to afternoons or other times. I have no control over it and I feel there is a good reason for it. I believe it has to do with energy and entity attacks. Even as of late where I am basically up all night there has always been someone up making noise, disturbing me. As soon as the house is quiet and I try to enjoy it someone comes home. When they leave, my parents dogs start barking. When they stop the robot vacuum cleaner turns on or someone else comes home with their smartphone on speaker mode. The person they are talking to over the speaker then walks in and they start arguing. 

So, unable to sleep on the 22nd, I ate something and didnt do much else. I got on my computer around 5:22 pm. My computer took a few seconds before I could log in and then I noticed that, because the time is off by a few hours, it said October 22nd, 2:22 pm. I logged in and looked at the youtube subscriptions and then I opened up the 2012 portal blog. CoBra had a new post titled Flash Overtura. It was posted on the 22nd at 2:00 pm and at the time had two comments. 2 seemed to be a reoccurring theme and 2 is supposedly a very feminine number. I had posted about the nightflight interview about 2022 a few days ago on my blog. CoBras weekly meditation timer had it timed at one day and 17 hours or 117. Overtura is dutch for overture which is an introduction to something more substantial. Flash Overture. The flash that leads to something more substantial? Could this be a reference to the event scenario that I had a preview to in October 2017? 

The Flash Overtura post also had the label phoenix which only one other post called The Final Battle which was a series of images, one in particular looking very comforting. The other label on the Flash Overtura post is the music of the spheres which again is only on two posts, the other post being called Music of the Spheres. The music of the spheres is described as being a great thing and the phoenix in mythology was burned on a funeral pyre and rose again. I thought of the end of one thing and the beginning of something new. 

Monday October 25th, 2021 
I fell asleep before dawn and had a strange dream sometime after. I do remember some sort of facilities which may of been below ground and buildings which may of been above ground but I do not remember much in the way of details. Afterwards I was in a wooded area which may of had some towers connected by zip lines and some construction projects which may of been multi story reinforced concrete buildings. Emily Moyer may of been exploring this area with me at one point. I was deeper into the wooded area by myself and for some reason pretty large brown bears showed up I took off and ended up in a parking lot, maybe around one of the large construction sites. I was standing near a van and some other vehicles while two bears were running in circles around the vehicles. A man and his son showed up in a dark gray pick up truck that had some light dirt all over it and drove me out of there. The man may of been in his thirties or forties and was white, while his son was probably under ten years old. If I had to guess I would say they were conservative people. It looked like the kind of truck you would take hunting. 

Thursday October 28th, 2021 
I got a shower in the early morning and afterwards went back into my room sometime after 5 am. I noticed, like on the 18th ten days earlier, that my old computer had turned on by itself. I flipped open the lab top and it said it was 2:10 a number I go through phases seeing very often. The time on the computer is off by a few hours. When I first started seeing 210 frequently back in 2015 to 2016, not really sure, I took it as a countdown to something but considering it was six years ago when it all started I have no idea what it means. 

Wednesday November 4th, 2021 
With my erratic sleep I have only been able to sleep in the late morning to early afternoon as of the last two weeks. I fell asleep in the early afternoon on the 4th and had a strange dream at some point afterwards although I have no idea when. All I remember of it is being at a department store or a grocery store. It may of also been both. I may of been at a walmart and then the next thing I knew I was at the grocery store where I typically shop. I think the blonde haired girl who works at the grocery store from the September 14th post may of been there. I dont remember exactly what happened but I think a tall angry man was harassing and being very threating to her. He was over 6 feet tall, had a sort of black and tan trench coat with a dark shirt and khaki pants underneath, and he had these sort of round lensed sunglasses on. His hair was buzzed short on the sides and was slightly longer on top. I spoke to him and tried to talk him down. I was reasonable and polite but also stern. He didnt like it but at least I had gotten his attention on me. I dont know if the next part was him or someone else but they started fighting me. They may of grabbed me and they were very strong. I had trouble moving at first. I believe I struck him with a left hook and right muay thai leg kick which seemed to work and stopped the fight. I dont recall much else. 

Sunday November 7th, 2021 
I purchased something important a few days ago but Im not going to mention what it was. The price ended up being $133.08. Yesterday I ordered some things from two different places. The first total was estimated at exactly  $313.08 which is like the first total but with the 1 and first 3 switched. 133 and 313. I always seem to see repeating numbers like just now while typing this I looked at my computer and saw 3:21 pm and 11/7/2021 or 321 and 117 which I always happen to see. Another number I have went through phases seeing often is 1:33. I did not think the prices were a coincidence but the estimated total ended up being $312 and change so I ignored it and made the next order. The next order estimate ended up being $144 and change, and I always see 144. Even though the actual total was $148 I was still convinced that this was happening for a reason. 

I have always had money problems and it is  better at the moment. I have not been able to buy myself something nice in around ten years. Any spare money I had went towards food, car insurance, and gas. I was very quick to accept any gifts or hand me downs from family like shoes and clothing, and I learned to repair those shoes and make them last a long time. I was also gifted some entertainment like a game console, books, an old laptop computer, etc so I did have some luxury items too. 

What is strange is that while making these online purchases I was on the phone with my sister who was looking at the same things I was, but on her computer. We both were signed into the same account looking at the same shopping cart and saw different estimated totals, the ones she was seeing were the accurate numbers and the ones I was seeing were the sychronistic numbers mentioned above. It was only happening to me. 

While I like being able to buy some things one family member has been increasingly obnoxious, snide, and condescending towards me almost like they are angry, jealous, and envious of me that I have a little bit of money. This person is very archon influenced and likes to start trouble in the most meaningless childish ways and then gaslight after words. I dont have many nice things to say about them so Ill stop there. Going without for a long time and then things improving for me, and while thats happening seeing synchronicities leads me to believe that it is not coincidence. Having a hysterical archon puppet trying to drag me down while those things are happening convinces me further. 

Wednesday November 9th, 2021 
I go through phases where everyday when I eat my one or two meals I watch tv. As of the last week I have been watching a show called the shannara chronicles. It is based on books and is a bit like lord of the rings. I have the books but have not read them yet. If they are anything like the show then they take the lord of the rings theme of humans, elves, gnomes, dark entities, etc living in the same world but it is placed in the future possibly in a different timeline. It is worth a look for lotr fans and fans of fantasy and science fiction. I have felt a little off for around one to two months after feeling better than average in September. 

On the ninth I mowed the lawn and got a late start at sunset. Normally my vision just like my hearing is very sharp and I can see well at dusk or even later so mowing at this time is usually not a problem. Most people could not do this as it would be too dark out for them but on this particular evening and night I had a lot of trouble. I went to the grocery store afterward and made my shopping. While in the checkout line the blonde haired young woman who I have mentioned previously walked up and asked me how I was doing. She had her hair braided a certain way which is different than usual. Me being a little cautious and withdrawn went to respond but she had squatted down and was trying to scrape something off of the grocery store floor nearby, so I said nothing. It looked like gum that gets stepped on and turns black. She may be an assistant manager and I thought janitors were supposed to clean the floors. 

I went home and went to bed before midnight and quickly fell asleep which is rare for me. I have just felt so off and tired lately. I woke up not remembering any dreams and whether I first thought of this the previous night or upon waking I remembered the young woman from the stores hair style. She had her hair parted down the middle and tied in two long braids that ran from each side of her head towards the back. She resembles a woman in the shannara chronicles very much who has her hair almost the exact same way and being someone who doesnt believe in coincidence, most of the time anyways, I had to journal this. 

Saturday November 13th, 2021 
I watched the ending of season 2 of the shannara chronicles. The new druid and the new shannara fulfill their destinies by defeating the dark warlock. I quickly turned off my ps4 and saw the time was 1:17 pm. I ordered some tower busters and they arrived Friday night. I opened them today and I do feel better on my computer or near family members with smart phones. Simple, cheap, and effective. I have some other things on the way which I will mention here soon. I also saw a UFO just before 10 pm which I will detail in my UFO post.

Sunday November 14th, 2021
I looked at my Youtube subscriptions and saw that one of the author Thomas Sheridans channels had a new video. When I saw the thumbnail my jaw almost dropped. It was a picture of a carnival show on a boardwalk from a long time ago called a trip to mars. I had a bizarre dream a while back where I was in a facility on mars that was made of white painted wooden boards that looked like an old board walk carnival a bit like coney island or something although this one was enormous with walls, high ceilings, and martian tunnels. There were civil war era US soldiers fighting american indians and a lot of people just waiting for something. This dream could be interpreted in many ways. Entertainment, circus, freakshow, horrors, etc which some wanted no part of. I tried to escape in this dream.

Total Recall is nothing new it appears where the main character is under mind control and is having an experience like a dream that he cannot wake from. This world seems just like it sometimes and I think my dream was an anology or something. I recognized someone from the dream. She is a black woman, seemingly friendly, who works at the grocery store I shop at. She saw me and smiled. She was one of the people waiting in this huge open area in the dream made of this white boardwalk like structure stained red from the martian soil. Maybe she is one of the people going about their lives doing what they have to and subconsciously they know something is wrong and are waiting it out. The structure opened up into a stadium like white board room covering a large field that resembled a baseball field. There was a large opening on the other side of the field with this enormous bizarre white light shining in from outside. I couldnt see anything else out there. 

Wednesday November 17th, 2021 
I had a dream and woke up sometime after sunrise. The earliest part of the dream I can remember is being in a hotel with some family. I have had dreams in hotels out of horror movies and also ones that were much bigger and more elaborate but not scary at all. I believe I was in one with my mother and for whatever reason I left and came back. I went into the wrong hotel room and and the occupant came back and asked what I was doing there. He told me I didnt belong there. 

I left and ended up sitting in a room with a large rectangular table. The room was normal sized but opened up into a much bigger room with a higher ceiling. Around the table were people who I dont recognize but Jesse Ventura and David Icke were sitting near each other. I took the empty seat between the two. I was talking to Ventura about something. I dont recall what it was. I think he then morphed into Icke who was leaning in telling me something very important but again I dont recall what it was. I am not sure how to interpret this dream but the man telling me I didnt belong stood out because I have never felt that I belong anywhere and when I was with Ventura and Icke and whoever the other people were I kind of did. Do I belong with like minded people or am I pursuing alt media information the last decade because I am trying to find out why I dont belong anywhere? 

Thursday November 18th, 2021 
I decided to make a short post and link to CoBras latest mass meditation on my blog which was sort of spontaneously done. I made a comment on his blog with a link to mine and it happened to go through at 12:19. I have went through phases seeing 12:19 daily and this number could be a reference to my date of birth December 19th. 

Thursday December 30th, 2021 
I havent blogged in over a month. I felt sick of everything including the alt media so I decided to un plug from it. I exercised and did some gaming. I helped my parents with various things like taking care of their dogs. It was fine until around christmas time where those feelings of hopelessness and despair and feeling trapped came back but not nearly as bad as in February and July.  2021. I have not bought into any alt media narratives and explanations for the worlds circumstances like white hats getting ready to take down the cabal and light forces taking care of the archon network. I have no idea what is going on. 

I was curious to see CoBras portal 2012 update after the December 21st mass meditation which has yet to be posted. I went to sleep around 3 am on Thursday and had an interesting series of dreams. One involved a CoBra interview like the many he has conducted before. I dont remember much but he did say something about the event happening in the next six to eight months. The next dream took place at what may of been the grocery store near my house. One of the employees, a young woman with blonde hair, had a different name on her name tag; Amy. I called her Amy and she corrected me that her name was not Amy. I dont know what this meant. Amy and her being blonde reminds me of the Amy clones in Shane the ruiners blog. 

I had another in a grocery store type setting. The lights were dim and I was shopping either near other people or with them. It looked like lots of produce and it was all very expensive. The lights which I believe were LED were very dim like they were on emergency power after a power outage. I dont recall much about these dreams or there exact order. 

March 21st 2022 
I havent posted anything since December 2021. Outside of some paranormal attacks I havent really had many experiences. My sleep was better than usual in December and January but started getting worse throughout February into March. I was able to exercise consistently December and January as well, and without proper exercise I physically fall apart. Sometime in January I was walking my parents male dog, which I try to do daily, who is around seven years old. There was a dead rabbit in the road that looked like it had just been hit by a car. It was cold out and there were no bugs on it so I took it home and cleaned it. The legs and back were fine and I salvaged an eye and kidney from it and fed the meat to the two dogs, the male I mentioned before and his mother a fourteen year old female. They loved it. 

A couple of days later right in the backyard next to a truck a mother rabbit dug a shallow hole in the ground and placed its two baby rabbits there. This is right where the dogs leave the back patio to go behind the house and use the bathroom. It was the worst place possible for the rabbits. My parents tried to keep the dogs from the rabbits but my brother let the male out and didnt watch him. The dog took one and started playing with it like it was a chew toy. My brother put the rabbit back in the hole but it died two days later. I felt a little responsible but it wasnt my fault and the dog cannot help it. Labrador retrievers are hunting dogs. I dont know what day it was but shortly before March 20th I saw an owl up close on the power lines over the next door neighbors driveway. I havent seen any close up in a long time. 

On the 21st I was walking my parents male dog around 11 pm. We were at a spot not far from the house with a cow pasture on one side of the road where the sun sets and with a wooded area on the other side where the sun rises. It was the area where we found the dead rabbit before. The dog walked into a spot on the roadside where the tree branches and bushes grow out over the grass and a bit into the road. He went underneath some of the braches and bushes. I thought he was using the bathroom and wanted to check for snakes or other animals so I turned on my flashlight and turned it towards the ground. He walked out after maybe five seconds with something in his mouth and dropped a large dead rabbit at my feet. He looked happy, like he just gave me a present, and I was surprised but didnt scold him. He is a retriever after all and this is a really big deal for them. He was happy to find a rabbit when he is usually eating dry kibble and lying inside of a house instead of tracking deer or retrieving birds during a hunt. 

It must of died right there but was completely intact and smelt fine. We finished our walk. I walked the older female dog and took the male for a second walk with a plastic bag and picked up the rabbit around 11:30 pm. Around 2:30 am in my bedroom I watched a video with the theme of 'modern society only values lust, not love'. I skimmed through the comments as some are usually pretty funny. One comment said "You want unconditional love, get a dog." As I read this comment I heard a loud and almost terrifying groan from down the hallway in the main room of the house. The male dog was having one of his nightmare, sleep paralysis, entity attacks and was trying to cry for help the best he could. I went to wake him up and he was already getting up and looking up at me. He was inconsolable with whimpering and groaning. I was petting him and sort saying and asking "bad dream?". He whimpered and went crazy every time I said bad dream, a word that he recognizes from having many attacks on him for being close to me. I have seen pitch black entities looming over him before during these attacks. This one happened right after the dog had a fairly exciting experience and as I read the comment about 'unconditional love'. Not a coincidence.  

Wednesday April, 20th 2022 
I havent been typing most of the various synchronistic experiences like repeating numbers or any strange paranormal activity for the first quarter of 2022. I am also writing this down late on May 1st/2nd around midnight and have had the song November Rain by Guns and Roses playing in my head today for some reason. The reasons being are that I am tired of these things and have been for a while now and have just been focusing on day to day things and not being ashamed of eating food I enjoy, weightlifting and bodybuilding for vain reasons ( and some practical ), playing video games, ignoring news and politics, etc. All the things society makes you feel ashamed for doing that really arent that bad. I have also been feeling better as far as being socially isolated and dont mind being alone quite as much anymore. 

Something I have done much of 2022 is reading R. A. Salvatores forgotten realms books. They are based on dungeons and dragons which I never played but I did like the lord of the rings movies and the forgotten realms books are similar. In the first prequel you learn of the back story of the main character Drizzt Do'Urden, a dark elf. It was actually my favorite of the books so far. The dark elves live in dimly lit underground cities with a major caste system of psychopathic incestuous elite families fighting for power under a powerful spider queen. It is very matriarchal and the whole society seems to be what would be commonly known as a mass satanic cult. Drizzt was nearly sacrificed as a young male but was kept alive to become his families weapon master. 

He hates the way the dark elves are and eventually goes on a long journey to the surface world. He eventually finds allies who overlook his races evil ways. One key character is an astral black panther named Gwenhyvar who is summoned with a magic figurine for a short time in the physical and is very important to Drizzt. The figurine is stolen in the second book of the original trilogy and so is absent in the third book until the very end. I finished the three prequels months ago and the original trilogy in mid April. The figurine is recovered and Gwenhyvar returns to aid Drizzt with numerous astral panthers this after the long absence. 

I stopped exercising as much in early March and by the end of March I was walking more and more which I have not done in years along with eating one meal a day the idea being to lose weight as a way of cleansing and releasing things to make room for something new. Dieting and exercising has been more and more difficult for me since my mid twenties all the way to the present at age 31. It was like there was something anchoring me down and I just could not throw it off. Outside of some manual labor and weights I didnt move as much and I felt trapped inside my own body. Walking more and losing ten pounds so far is a big deal for me. Its like Im not stuck. General astrology readings have been hinting that some progress and changes will be a theme into the future. 

I walked my parents dogs the night of April 20th and went out to walk by myself around 10:30 or so. The houses in the neighborhood, a rural suburb, have large yards. Some also have cow pastures. This suburb is surrounded by some wooded areas and many normal suburbs and main roads. Its not out in the middle of nowhere. It was a very dark night...almost completely black. I walked out into the street and got close to the driveway and mailbox of the neighbors house across from my house. 

A dark figure near the mailbox the size of a large dog looked at me and darted down through the drain ditch in the neighbors front lawn and back up the other side. It then ran through the yard to the dozen fruit trees in front of their house. It did this in a couple seconds and it was a pretty big yard. It was so dark out and this creature looked black and it moved so fast I couldnt see what it was. I had a flashlight and shined it in the direction of the creature and its eyes glowed a light whitish blue color in the light. It started trotting back towards me fairly quickly and as it did I moved back through the street towards my yard. It moved forward again and I moved back keeping my light on it the whole time and looking at those glowing eyes getting closer and closer. When I had backed up next to the oak tree in my front lawn it had reached the ditch again although in a different spot than before. It seemed curious and wanted to know what I was. 

I made a loud noise and it darted back towards the fruit trees. I kept my light trained on it and noticed another pair of glowing eyes amongst the fruit trees and some other movement as well. There may of been three. They ran around the neighbors house and into the woods in there backyard. There were large  wet footprints by the neighbors mailbox. I have seen dark figures at night crossing the street once before. There were around three of them. The fences are around five feet high in places. They could be coyotes but more likely they are panthers. I was mowing years ago in the late morning and a black panther was in my fathers garden. It went up the nearly six foot tall fence and was in the next door neighbors yard in a second. I also saw a tan panther in a cow pasture nearby too. I am pretty certain the creatures from the 20th were black panthers. It reminded me so much of the return of Gwenhyvar accompanied by other panthers that I had read about shortly before this experience. I do not believe in coincidence. 

First half of May 2022 
I didnt write this dream down when it happened but I thought about it while walking my parents dog around midnight on May the 14th / 15th. I had a dream in the first half of May. I remember a part of it where I was in a store. It looked a bit like a gamestop but was bigger than any gamestop I have been in by about three times. There was a much wider selection of games going back to at least 1990s playstation games ( I still play older games ) and I had trouble looking through them all and keeping track of where certain ones were in the store. The store wasnt enormous but something about it was strange. It was like some of the games would disappear while I was looking at other ones. 

I was feeling a little confused and lost and I have felt this way on and off my entire life. I watched some japanese anime as a child and gundam was one of my favorites. Wing gundam the enless waltz movie had a part where one of the main characters was lying on the grass in a space colony looking up at the artificial atmosphere clouds and blue sky. He had this serene spaced out look and a girl told him he looked lost. He responded "Ive been lost since the day I was born". It resonated with me, even at nine years old.

The dream changed again and I think I have dreamt of this location once before. I was in a sort of warehouse store like a costco although the ceiling was higher and the aisles were wider. It had a soft surreal look and atmosphere to it and I am convinced it was not a literal store but maybe an allegory much like the previous part of the dream. I was looking at sections with video games and others with books and manga. There was so much there I felt lost and like I just could not find what I wanted. I may or may not of also looked at music and for some reason the song In the End by the band Linkin Park played and I sang along with it. I knew all of the words by heart even though I actually dont in real life so its strange how I knew the lyrics in the dream. Maybe its my subconscious or something. I have thought of that song and turned on the radio and it was playing. I was held up while driving because of construction work near my house and the whole song played. In the dream these were the parts that really stood out: 

'One thing I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try 

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter'

Just like in Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen which I like but the ending of 'Nothing really matters, anyone can see, Nothing really matters to me' really stands out when I hear it. Thats how feel about life and have for a long time. The only times I put effort into life and taking part in society were when I was literally threatened with punishment from my parents or the occasional friends or women I cared about, neither of which turned out well and looking back didnt really matter at all in the bigger picture.

I wasnt even sure of what I was really looking for in the store and the searching seemed to drag on forever. It seemed allegorical, like there were endless choices but nothing felt right. No matter how much effort I put into looking for what I wanted it eluded me. I want to say there were a couple of women there. One may of had a boyfriend. I was happy for him. I was polite but they came and went so fast it was like they werent there at all. They were almost ghost like and there was nothing really there ,so to speak, with them. The interaction was empty. Just like the rest of the dream it nothing felt right. I considered this while at the grocery store on Friday May 13th, It doesnt matter who they are or whether they are single or not I am not supposed to be involved with them because something about it is not right.

I was alone again and walked into a section with stacks of furniture sets and lamps and I dont remember much of what happened after that. I feel that I am lost in media which is not all bad. I dont feel right doing anything. Everything feels and seems wrong to me and video games, tv, manga, books, etc help. I am astrologically a gemini rising and gemini is associated with media. I feel something I was looking for was women in this dream. Maybe a specific one and that is also something I do in real life. I look people in the eye and gesture hello in public. I like to see who they are. Maybe they will be one of the rare ones that I feel like I have known before. At some point in the past I dreamt of this place and was looking at a variety of magazines and then books in a library section of this warehouse store. The theme was similar. 

Saturday May, 28th 2022 
I was walking my parents dog around 11 pm. I walked to a certain point down the road towards nearby cow pastures and wooded areas and then I turned around and headed back towards my house. I passed my house and continued on towards a main road and then I turned around and went back to my house. This has been a common route for me lately. The area is laid out differently than most neighborhoods so its a strange route as I cannot walk a circle around the neighborhood. As I passed the next door neighbors house I saw the lights flash in his white pick up truck which was most likely him turning his truck alarm on. 

I brought my parents dog inside and as I did I noticed light shining on the garage in the back yard. I wasnt sure what it was so I checked and it was my fathers white pick up truck. The headlights and tail lights were on. My father was in the back till dark and the truck lights werent on then. I walked my parents dogs earlier in the night and and the lights werent on then. It was like they turned on by themselves around the same time as the neighbors truck lights did. I rode my bike and came back. The lights hadnt shut off so I informed my father and went for one more walk around 11:30 pm. 

I went towards the wooded areas and back down and passed by the neighbors house again and not long after I could see the main road in the distance. A motorcycle passed by. It was black, white, and red and may of had a side car. I could hear the guitar solo from the Dio song holy diver playing from the motorcycle which I thought was funny as I like Dio and hadnt heard it in a long time. Another neighbor had passed by in a white pick up truck slowly and waved hello at sunset adding to the theme of the reoccurring white pick ups. Although it wasnt dark his headlights were on and he was coasting with his foot gently applied to the break so his break lights were also on. Earlier that day I had left a comment on the 2012 portal blog about someone calling for divine intervention and I did the same. I later had these strange experiences with the white trucks, car lights, and also the song holy diver which is based on a christ like figure on an earthlike but alien planet.

Wednesday June 8th, 2022 While driving on the highway back home around 6:30 pm a semi passed by with the license plate PT*144*GO.


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