Paranormal Decade part 5
Wednesday December 30th, 2020
I had a strange dream where I was in a place that I would describe as an urban slum at night. I do not recall a lot of details, especially with the order of events, but I do recall Quinn from the movie Jaws. I dont know if Roy Scheider or Dreyfuss were there, and Im only half kidding because they may of been too. Quinns large fishing boat was somehow mounted on top of a huge metal pole. He claimed that he lived up there. At another point in the dream I was a little further away around some chain link fences. They were almost right up against some old brick buildings shrouded in darkness. I had a confrontation. The person was very heavy and covered in black, possibly leather clothing, and had a pretty large round bald head. He had these large black wrap around sunglasses. They reminded me of the typical gray ET with the black wrap around eyes. He was being hostile and I began fighting with him. I had a sharp metal object sticking out of my fingers and I punched through the black glasses which stunned him and I got away. There may of been others around but I dont recall.
Saturday January 2nd, 2021
I went to the grocery store around 6:30 to 7 pm. I put a few things into my cart and realized that I forgot my money and had to go back home which is really rare for me. I put the radio on and that song that I dont really like by Journey was on where they keep yelling at everyone to not stop believing. I passed by a church that is close to my house. I had a friend years ago who went by the name Scott. His father was a pastor and always put bible related puns and jokes, and sometimes inspirational messages, on a lit sign in front of his church. Although I havent talked to Scott in about ten years, I am pretty sure its his fathers church.
As I passed by the church I read the sign as the song lyrics specifically said "dont stop believing". The sign said "Its no secret what God can do" and I had a strong surreal feeling when this happened like it was all a message. Lately I have had little faith and patience for anything, and have had a strong fatigue and depression. The whole experience really seemed to stand out.
I turned onto my street and in front of my house I had to hit my brakes and stop which has never happened before. There was what looked like a baby owl in the road and it did not move for me. After a few seconds it flew away and owls are one of my spirit animals. Not a coincidence. There are lots of Barred owls where I live and that is the most likely species. They have the distinctive hoot that resembles someone saying "who cooks for you". The picture at the top of the post is of a baby Barred owl.
Friday January 8th, 2021
I am writing this down a little late. Around 9 to 10 at night I had just eaten dinner and I kept hearing these strange noises outside. I walked out onto the back patio to look into the back yard to see what was going on. I heard barred owls and looked up on top of the garage out back. There were two large barred owls on the rooftop less then ten feet apart hooting at each other. I grabbed a light and went out to get a better look at them. They were pretty large and very loud. Owls are one of my main spirit animals, possibly my top ones with the next one being the deer.
Monday January 18th, 2021
I fell asleep some time after 3 am and had a long intense dream. I was near a wooded area and two creatures ran through right in front of me. They resembled a mix of the goblins in the movie Legend and the orcs from Lord of the Rings. There armor was charred black and I had a sword that looked to be in the same condition. Their were many more of them moving through the woods to attack some unknown target and did not seem very organized or even aware of me. I felt compelled to try and help their future targets and chased a couple of them down, basically decapitating them from behind with my sword.
I dont recall what happened next but I was in a city that looked somewhat futuristic. I was in what may of been a mechanic shop for air or spacecraft. The entrance to this shop was down a long corridor with walls and ceilings made of large segments of glass, exposing an alien but almost earthlike planet outside. It couldve also been on another plane. I think the city was under attack. There may of been barricades, soldiers with vehicles and mounted weapons, and other things. I vaguely recall fighting more of these goblin/zombie like people, possibly killing some with a sword or knives.
In the next part of the dream I was in a more residential area, holed up in a home. The creatures were forcing their way in, although there werent many. If one got in I would stab it with a couple of knives. There was a woman in the house with straight brown hair and her daughter. They had no one to protect them and I think that was what I was doing. This next part I am having trouble placing. It either happened at the end or somewhere in the middle. I was sitting at an outside table with people I did not recognize. I am not sure what we were all doing. It appeared to be late afternoon to dusk. There was a woman standing in front of me. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and was maybe in her early twenties. Her clothing resembled the princess from the movie Legend. I remember openly talking with her about her appearance and that I thought she was attractive, which is unlike me as I am usually pretty reserved and I usually dont tell anyone what I am thinking. She did resemble a Pleaidian.
Thursday January 21st, 2021
I went to the grocery store around 8 pm and started to make my shopping. Maybe fifteen to twenty minutes in I was walking down the main isle at the back of the store and saw a guy, maybe in his twenties, who was also not wearing a mask on his face. He was a little over six foot tall and maybe hispanic. He had on a Q t shirt underneath an undone button up shirt and his hair pulled back in a pony tail as well as a short beard. As I saw him he pulled one hand away from his basket and gave me a thumbs up. I grinned and nodded hello as we walked past each other.
He was probably a good and well meaning person. I have been thinking about the election but not too much though. I have also considered the rumors about mass arrests but I am not convinced. My father has a friend whos son is in the military who claims that the national guard at all state capitols is for the arrest scenario, although it sounds like the delta option which is partial arrests and disclosure. Is he right or is it just wishful thinking? I took this random encounter at the store as a possible sign.
On Wednesday February 3rd, 2021 I had to sleep in the afternoon. Shortly after falling asleep I had a resident evil like dream that I can barely remember. I think I may of been trapped on the astral and it did have a heavy nauseating feel to it at times. The next part I recall is moving outside of the town which may of had zombies in it. I believe I was in a marsh or something, a bit like the marshes or swamps in metro 2033, but with no city ruins or creatures. I ran into people who may of been organized crime, latin american I believe, and I am not sure what they were doing there. I ended up alone in some kind of narrow but long rectangular garage.
I may of gotten there with some one who I think was Jeff Rense who was at a desk on a computer when a white car and pick up truck drove into the garage. The people in it were naked women for some reason and had automatic weapons. I think they were also naked. I dont remember what they looked like but the driver of the car tried to run me over and I moved. The car crashed into a wall sending the driver door open. I grabbed a UMP sub machine gun from in the car as the driver in the truck stood up through the skylight and pointed a gun at me, maybe an m4 assault rifle. I started shooting them with the UMP. I think then I had sex with one one of them. Thats all I remember.
Not long after February 3rd I started to feel really depressed and hopeless. I had to deal with the legal system on the third and I just felt really off for some reason. Eating made it worse so I stopped. I did not feel any flu like symptoms and I do go through serious bouts of depression from time to time. I recorded the movie cocoon which involved extraterrestrials. They were benevolent and took a large group of people with them. I began sobbing during the movie and tried to communicate a number of things to the Pleiadians. I didnt eat outside of drinking some milk and went through the depression with the crying on and off for about a week. I lost about ten pounds. I just hope it was all apart of some kind of healing.
I had been experiencing some strange paranormal activity the second half of February although I didnt write any of it down. I had a nightmare in which my mother handed me some kind of insect which began wrapping a web around me I began yelling at myself to wake up which I was able to do quickly. I woke up with a heavy sickening feeling to black pixelated smoke on the other side of the room next to the closet door. There was almost a blurry doorway withing the blackness. In the center of this doorway was a blurry black spider about the size of an adult mans outstretched hand. I had to endure the nauseating feeling and will it away which took about ten seconds.
I had also been experiencing something which has been more rare in the last year or so. Falling asleep only to be startled awake by someone talking or yelling at me and the sound of a gunshot or door slamming which may be what is called a rapaport. A rapaport is when you re-enter your body after some sort of out of body experience. No one in my home was shooting guns, yelling, or slamming doors at the time. I dont think any neighbors were shooting or screaming either.
I am adding this next part now in late 2022. I found out that, according to the 2012 portal blog, significant progress was made through February 2021 by the light forces against the darks. What happened to me may of been multiple things. First is attacks by the darks against me but also this could of been part of a rescue operation by the light. Long term it does seem to of been positive as I made progress in a number of ways after this although it was horrible at first. Being pulled part way out of a demonic control system could cause withdraw symptoms. Feeling better long term to me is evidence that the timing of these February operations along with my legal troubles was not a coincidence.
Thursday March 4th, 2021
I fell asleep in the early morning on the fourth and had an interesting dream sometime after sunrise. I dont know if I was being led to this certain person I will mention in a second or if they came and found me. I am not sure where I even was. All I know is that in this dream I met my Ukrainian friend whom I mentioned here and here. I have been wondering if meeting her was some kind of archon network trap to disappoint and hurt me, which is possible, but I really cant be sure. I have since moved on and tried to find my path. She could be married and could have children by now as the last time I saw her was around six years ago. In this dream however we were so happy to see each other. Something immediately overwhelmed us without any sort of fight or resistance. It was a very calm and quiet but powerful love. We embraced and held one another not letting go as she quietly told me she was so happy to see me and how much she missed me. I told here the same. Thats all I remember. I woke up sometime after and felt pretty good. There was something metaphysical and maybe even healing with this one. Maybe we will meet again.
Thursday April 22nd, 2021
I didnt feel like adding anything to this blog throughout March or April. In mid April I had some nightmares and paranormal attacks related to vampires. They featured one specific vampire in particular, while the others resembled a mix of horror movie zombies that were mixed with vampires. Some time later, and I am writing this down late so the date may be off, on the 22nd I woke up and was hit with a lot of drama and bad news immediately. The amount and the incremental increase of it is very rare. Reality under the archon network is rigged against me. The previous night I was out walking around 8:30 at night down the rural road where I live I was walking past a wooded area thinking about the archon network influence and possession of people causing mental illness and health issues like obesity.
As I put things together while in deep thought an owl flew off of one of the wood poles holding up the power lines and flew right overhead towards the wooded area I had just come from. It had been perched with another owl which then flew in a different direction and landed up on another wooden power pole. That night I felt very calm and peaceful, like I was free from the prying eyes of the paranormal. It felt great...until the next morning of course with all of the aforementioned bad news. I am still trying to figure out what is going on and what I should do.
May 7th, 2021
I was paralyzed while lying in bed for what felt like an hour. I felt delirious and felt like my consciousness was going in and out of my body but very slowly and in different directions. I couldnt do anything. It could have been entities trying to possess me or having a harder time staying in me if they are already there. Maybe some were being taken out. I felt okay the next day.
Saturday May 29th, 2021
A few days before I was driving home and got to my street. I was a few houses away from my home and there was a small animal in the road. I hit my breaks and stopped probably inches from it. I wasnt sure what it was and waited about ten seconds, then proceeded home. On Saturday around 8 pm I was walking one of my parents dogs and reached a wooded area where I have seen some large barred and screech owls before. I saw a small owl perched on a dead end sign and another on a branch a few feet away. I watched them for around ten seconds and the one on top of the sign screeched to the other and flew up into a tree. It may of been an owl in the road and it may of been one of the same two owls.
Tuesday June 2nd, 2021
Before waking I had a dream about my Ukrainian friend who I knew back in 2014 - 2015. I was in her house and then we were in a school setting. She seemed like she was trying to avoid me the whole time. Not sure why I had the dream.
Monday June 7th, 2021
For days before this experience I had seen lots of moths and also a few butterflies. I would see two to three moths in the garage and catch them and throw them outside, only to then go into the house and see three more in the kitchen. The living room vaulted ceiling has an almost pyramid shape to it kind of like the inside of a church. Where the wall meets the ceiling at the highest point rested a moth. In the exact same spot but about five inches lower there was another and they did not move for the longest time. It really stood out. They seemed to come in twos and threes. Moths and butterflies can represent a transformation and the death of the old and birth of the new. They are seen in any media involving mk ultra programs. It seems to be another symbol that has been bastardized by the cabal.
On the 7th I fell asleep in the late afternoon and kept waking up for some reason. I felt uneasy and when I did I used CoBras command 12 21 protocol. One of these times I had a paranormal attack where I was trapped in the astral hiding from giants. It reminded me of Attack on Titan. I felt myself being smothered and strangled by an entity and started forcing myself awake. When I woke up the entity was causing hallucinations of objects in the room being in wrong places. Evil likes to distort reality. This has happened many times before and I stopped writing them down. I adjusted my vision by forcing myself to wake up further and I the objects started vanishing revealing the room as it should of been. I looked toward the closet and saw a small blurry figure like a tiny person sticking its head out from inside the closet. It was as if it was completely side ways. I would say it was demonic. I used the command 12 21 protocol and tried to form a connection with the Pleiadeans.
Saturday June 12th, 2021
I was driving home and and I noticed something when pulling into the driveway. On the powerlines overhead I saw an owl perched and it just stood out for some reason. I walked over and watched it for a few minutes.
Monday June 20th, 2021
I am writing this down late so the date might be a little off. I was lying in bed in the early morning trying to fall asleep and had a strange feeling like it was not safe to sleep but I was so tired I fell asleep anyways. I had a strange dream where I was walking around an area that resembled a sort of hilly pine forest mixed with my old south Florida neighborhood with a dark sky overhead. The pines and grass were a bright green and there were familiar homes around. There was also a very strong positive presence around. It was like I was back where I grew up but I was also looking for bigfoot or something. I was doing this for a while and the tree covered hills opened up somewhat. I suddenly lifted straight up off of the ground and had the feeling of flying and butterflies in my stomach. I got control of myself as I continued up into the sky. A mix of dark blue came toward me from all sides followed by blackness that completely swallowed me up. I began to yell for help over and over again and struggled to wake myself up until I eventually awoke. It took maybe thirty seconds. I felt something anomalous and that I was not alone in the room but did not see anything. I do not remember what time it was when I woke up.
Friday June 25th, 2021
I fell asleep just as the sun was rising which was okay because I had nothing to do that day and just slept in. I kept having dreams where things seemed really weird and I kept going through sort of fight chase scenes like in a movie where the villain is much stronger than the hero and the hero has to keep moving or running while trying to fight back. The first one I was in a sort of training facility not unlike a school. I believe there were lots of vampires there learning about something. They seemed to like me for some reason. I may of been inside of living quarters with them too. There was a certain vampire present during all of this that I will not mention. I dont remember very many details.
The next experience I was in a really rundown area of a town or city. I dont know if it was all abandoned or if it was in ruins because of battles. I was spiderman in this experience for some reason and was being chased and attacked by venom. Venom was much larger and stronger, almost like the juggernaut or incredible hulk. I was evading him and using climbing and acrobatic skills to keep out of harms way. The punisher was there helping me. He had a mini gun with incendiary rounds mounted on a fallen concrete slab. I have no idea what happened. The next dream I had involved one of my parents dogs being attacked by other dogs repeatedly. There were other people around who didnt understand and wouldnt intervene. They were blaming me for trying to intervene and they tried to stop me. I dont think they were successful but they kept trying and eventually stopped. It had a very dark feeling to it. I think these dreams were being influenced by entities who were trying to hit me with an overwhelming helpless feeling.
Wednesday June 30th, 2021
I had trouble sleeping and just like on the 25th I had nothing to do in the morning and tried to sleep just after sunrise. I had a nightmare which I believe was a paranormal attack. I was lying paralyzed in bed and my attention was focused towards the closet door. There was a figure heading towards me that looked like some sort of old asian witch. I kept trying to will it back and it moved back and then starting edging closer again. I eventually forced myself awake and saw a blurry human figure across the room near the closet. It seemed hostile but I did not get a very good view or feel of it. Interestingly the previous day I had cleaned out my room which was still in disarray and was planning on getting rid of many things. Every time I do this I usually receive attacks like when I burned lots of old papers and art around 2014. I think we invest energy into possessions and entities may be involved with this whether attached to us or objects.
I eventually fell back asleep and had a strange series of very real dreams. These dreams involved large homes and corporate facilities which may of been one and the same. I was a part of special forces/swat raids. I saw some of the planning and training and then the raids themselves. They mentioned Epstein. Maybe the places were connected to him. We raided mansions which seemed to have facilities and high security inside. It may of been underground like in resident evil. I saw this all from the mansion/facility securities perspective too. I saw a long open area in the mansion with white marble on the walls and some on the floor as well. There was also a sort of soft pinkish red carpeting on the ground and paneling on the walls. This long open area was like a corridor and had walls of bullet proof glass from the floor to the ceiling. There were three of these spaced out down the corridor forming a sort of barrier and also protection for the security. They were in disarray and totally panicking, and could not stop the raids. I saw some of them dying. I took the place of one of them and tried to escape down a long hallway and I ended up trying to hide in a public restroom for some reason. I then took the perspective of one of the swat type people. I dont remember anything else. I am pretty sure later that day I heard about rumsfeld dying.
Sunday morning 7 - 8am July 4th, 2021
I was watching an Emily Moyer video about, of all things, the military veteran and painter Bob Ross and his connections to mk ultra. I watched the first 25 minutes or so and wasnt really feeling it. I stopped and thought to myself maybe Ill finish it some other time. My father asked me if I could go to the grocery store and pick up some things for a fourth of July dinner. I went and made a quick shopping and I starting heading toward the exit a man passed by in front of me. He had also just payed for his groceries and was leaving too. He said excuse me as he passed by in front of me towards the exit. He was wearing a really noticeable Bob Ross t shirt. I dont believe I have ever seen someone wearing a Bob Ross shirt and the timing was funny. Before I could even think to myself 'there are no such things as coincidences' the store manager who was standing nearby said 'happy fourth', which I didnt hear the first time so he had to repeat himself.
I have a lot of sleep problems which should be obvious to anyone who has looked through my blog. I was feeling pretty tired and after making a second trip to the grocery store for something my father had forgotten about before, I decided to get a shower and go to bed. I fell asleep sometime in the early to mid afternoon. One of the dreams I had was back at the same grocery store I had just been to. I was by the produce section, although the layout was a little different. I usually pick up bananas for my mother and they were in the wrong spot. I was standing in front of them when a young man and woman, possibly late teens to early twenties, both passed by near the produce together. The young woman was white with blonde hair and blue eyes and sort of average looking but not unattractive. The young man had similar features and was a little taller. They could have been brother and sister. She had glasses and was wearing black sweatpants and a black sweater.
She came over to me like she knew me and wrapped her arms around me. Her clothes had some light colored dog hair on them which really stood out. I play with my parents dogs and get the same thing on my clothes. It seemed like the dog hair on her clothes was meant to be noticed. As she tightly hugged me she quietly said, almost into my right ear, something like "Do you remember me?" or "Did you remember what I look like?". She did seem familiar. I dont recall the next part well either but as she released me and began to move away she said something like "we will see each other soon". Or maybe it was meet each other soon. I think thats when I woke up. It was either just before or just after sunset. I dont consciously know who she was but I did consider that the blonde hair and blue eyes had something to do with the Pleiadians and the store and dog hair were something familiar to me.
Wednesday July 7th, 2021
I went to the grocery store in the morning. In the checkout line I saw a magazine with Bob Ross on the cover. It made me think of things happening for a reason and there being no coincidences. The sales tax was $2.10 which is a number I go through phases always seeing. I noticed it later in the day at 2:10pm as well. Another number I keep seeing on clocks is 12:19. I took some of these deserts out of the freezer that have been in there for a while. They were these little cheesecake cups. I noticed the expiration date was 12/19/2020. I think this repeating number has to do with my date of birth December 19th. It is like I am being reminded that I was born for a reason. I watched the movie Knowing and there was a lot of interference the whole time. Its a fascinating movie. There is a scene with a train derailment I dont recall which one but one of the trains involved was train 4. 4 is supposed to be the number of the age of aquarius. One interpretation of this is that aquarius is going to be a train wreck. The earth is destroyed but life continued on.
Saturday July 10th, 2021
On Friday night I went to the grocery store and on the way there I had a very surreal feeling. I felt slightly detached and very calm and at peace. Lynard Skynard was on the radio. It was the song simple man. The part about about rejecting riches and what you really need being in your soul, or within, really stood out and sounds very gnostic. I have heard they were all killed because they wanted to go public about the music industry. The surreal feeling only increased at the grocery store which was almost empty. It seemed like I was almost in another dimension from many of the people in the store. I was supposed to pick up a lunch meat order for my mother and it was like an hour after it was supposed to be ready. I couldnt talk to the employees at the deli because they were very busy with customers which was unusual because it was near 9:30 at night. This was the only part of the store that had a kind of off putting chaotic feeling, in contrast to the rest of the store. Considering I have trouble speaking to people, especially around groups of people like this, I wasnt even going to try and cut in line and ask them why the order wasnt ready so I left.
The next day my mother asked about the lunch meat and asked if I could go back. The washing machine had been broken for days and I desperately needed to do laundry. We were trying to get it to work. It would start and then just stop and she said to leave it unplugged for a minute and let it drain. As she said this the stove top clock said it was 3:33. Shortly after she told me that the lunch meat order should be ready at 4:10. These are both numbers that I see often in phases. The laundry needing to be done and the machine having to sit means something Im just not sure what. Maybe something about cleansing taking time. I went through a phase in my late teens through my mid twenties were I exercised often and absorbed a lot of alt media info while experiencing a lot of paranormal activity and recalling other activity earlier in life. It seemed very expansive.
By my mid twenties the expansion gradually stopped and I began to experience health issues, some old and some new, while feeling like I did not resonate with more and more of the alt media. I gradually stopped going down alt media rabbit holes and exercised less and less. I pulled inward, sort of unplugging, and had to deal with everything I had picked up during the expansion from recalling repressed childhood experiences and alt media info. This continued on and off for years up into the present where I am thirty years old trying to figure out what I should do in life, if anything. Something about what my mother said "leave it unplugged and let it drain" really stood out to me.
Summary of mid to late July.
I have not been posting much and it is now August. I have decided to stop posting for a while. I have felt very down on and off my entire life like this is an alien world that is all wrong and that I do not belong here. I have unfortunately had to deal with the medical system from 2019 all the way to the present day for some long running health issues as well as the legal system from 2020 to the present day, which is early August 2021. I have felt increasingly disillusioned and hopeless for a variety of reasons that only those who are trying to understand and wake up from our current situation could understand. I had a bout of this in early February where I could not eat because it felt so horrible and made me feel so heavy and depressed to do so. I fasted for around a week and sobbed many times. One of these times was while watching the movie cocoon. In cocoon there are extraterrestrials taking elderly humans off world for a better life. One of them is telling his grandson that he is leaving and will never see him again. I broke down during this part because I desperately wanted to leave this place.
I had another bout of this horrible feeling and being unable to eat in late June to early July. I wanted to get away from the house and my father was going on a trip to his friends land in central Florida. I went with him. It was near a few large bodies of water and out in the middle of nowhere. It also happens to be one of the highest elevations in Florida. My fathers friend owns a decent amount of land with natural springs and lots of wildlife like deer, coyotes, and bear. A millionaire owns nearby land with a huge fenced in area that holds exotic species. I went to take a look and saw zebra and stags which was funny to me. My father was planting seed with a tractor. The plants that would grow after would attract deer which they would hunt. This place being away from people and much closer to nature as well as a higher elevation should of made the veil more thin and after being there less than 24 hours I started to feel overall better. It had a lighter and calmer feel. I could focus more easily without intrusive thoughts or feeling hostile entities around.
I didnt eat much but what I did eat was less than ideal so I was worried about digestion problems as I have had these problems my entire life. Interestingly enough I had perfect digestion. I think it was the location. I had sandwiches earlier in the day. We ate dinner, salad followed by steak and a potato, and I got a shower afterwards. I went into the guest bedroom which was a tiny room with a big bed taking up most of it and read a chapter of a book about Saint Bernadette Soubirous and went to sleep. I felt this presence that had kind of been there all day. It was comforting and calming. I usually sleep with a light on because of all of the paranormal activity I have always had but I slept in the dark and easily fell asleep.
I woke up at sunrise used the bathroom and went back to sleep and had a strange but powerful dream that I could barely remember afterwards. It comforted and reassured me none the less. All I remember of the dream was a woman who seemed to care for me telling me at some point we would be married and would never look back. I dont remember anything about her or any other details. It was very powerful though. My father, his friend, and I went fishing at a small lake nearby after seeing a small deer near the house. Then we packed up and went home. Although I have had ups and downs since then like always I still feel that subtle but strong feeling like when I was there in central Florida.
Keep it up
ReplyDeletethank you slasher