Invisible Odyssey Part 1

I have very few early memories without paranormal activity.

I remember sampling the world through sight, touch, sound, and smell, which I know babies and toddlers usually do like smelling or tasting toys or running their hands over objects to feel their temperature or texture. Another memory was me sitting in a baby pool in a red bathing suit with my mother. I was well under two years old and I remember the shallow cold water and the light blue plastic pool. I remember her pushing my stroller around our neighborhood, which was maybe one hundred feet from a park. She would take me there and swing while singing nursery rhymes to me. I felt safe and secure.

I liked crawling to the kitchen cabinets, which were wooden and painted white, and knocking out all the plastic cups and bowls. I would crawl in and close the cabinet doors. The bright light from the kitchen turned to darkness. I opened the door and the light would rush back in. I remember the difference between light and dark being very powerful. My voice echoed inside of the small cabinet, making it sound like there was more than one of me. I dont know why I like those cabinets so much. People do go through life looking for artificial wombs. Maybe they reminded me of something from a past life?  

I had a plastic turtle sandbox in the backyard with some trucks and dinosaurs. I was playing while my mother did yard work. They had a nice little house in a suburb in south Florida and there were a lot of trees, bushes, and other plants in our yard, probably more than any other yards in our neighborhood. We always had above average wild life in our yard too. It wasnt wilderness or the concrete jungle (cities), but somewhere in the middle. I was in a peaceful blissful state which I recall entering effortlessly. Something smacked into my forehead. A dragonfly had flown full speed into my head, as if it could not see me. It actually did a loop and went back in the direction it came from. It may of been just as confused as I was. I cried out for my mother. She ran into the backyard and asked what was wrong. I told her that a bug bit me because I didnt know how to describe what had happened. 

This happened multiple times as a child. I would fall into the same peaceful state. Dragonflies and wasps would fly into me. A snake slithered right by the sandbox and when I cried for my mother the snake raised its head up in alarm at the sound and sight of me. Before I had cried for my mother, it had no idea I was even there. They are timid creatures and good at staying hidden and quietly hunting. How did it not notice me? It was like they were drawn to me but could not see me.

Cats and dogs were always drawn to me and I was absolutely terrified of them. Unlike the insects and snakes they would charge right to me. My aunts cat Jingles would stare, perfectly still, and charge me if we were in a room alone but would never hiss at me or attack me, almost like it wasnt charging at me but something behind or around me. Was it trying to chase something paranormal away? Constantine said "...cats are half in, half out...". Many claim they are very psychic. Dogs too somewhat. Dogs would always try to cheer me up. Some may do that with everyone but with everything else, I think it was more. It seemed like these creatures were all being drawn to me. This continued, on and off, into my adulthood. 

I recall the bats overhead at night in my toddler and early childhood. They reminded me of the bats in Batmans cave or Count Dracula turning into a bat. My father took my mother and I on his little river boat to see fireworks, maybe on the 4th of July, and I remember noticing the bats fluttering in the air overhead, who unlike other creatures, never got too close. The mosquitos were terrible as it was a river in south Florida so the bats must of been feeding. This next part I am not entirely sure about but I may of been able to faintly hear the bats chirping and using their echolocation to aid in hunting. They do this sometimes but they can also hunt using sight. They can see in the dark. This was strange because its too high for people to hear, but I may of been able to hear it though. What I do know for sure is that at the time of writing this, mid 2020, I can very easily and clearly hear the bats as they echo-locate, which sounds like a distorted echoing chirp. Supposedly people cannot hear the chirp and if they do it sounds like a click. I can also feel it too, almost like a sixth sense.

I have been told I was a happy baby and that my grandfather was very happy with me. I still have the bear he left me. My mothers side of the family were Mediterranean people and very Catholic and family oriented. They were all very close but they fragmented when my grandfather died around 1993. This as well as other bad experiences began to hit my parents families, especially around this time. Because of the timing I do not believe it was coincidence. He was the glue that held the family together. My grandmother became more religious. After he died, if she took pictures she would often capture paranormal activity. This was completely unintentional. Some of the pictures looked like orbs. Some may of been the camera flash shining on dust in the air, but others were large white luminous figures with rays of light shining off of them. They are incredible. I learned about these many years later in my early to mid twenties. 

It was about the same time as my grandmothers paranormal activity in the early 1990s that I began having a repeating experience that I still dont fully understand. I was probably around three years old. A good example of these would be the time my mother would leave me alone in the house. This particular time was late morning to early afternoon. She was going out to do yard work and we were the only two people home. I would beg her not to leave and she would walk towards the door with a weird grin and would really casually shrug off my pleas. It was like she was leaving with an imaginary friend and I wasnt even there. I would plead with her to take me outside and she would mumble an unintelligible objection with no real reason, walk out, and slam the door in my face. I feel she was being influenced by something.

She used her key and locked the deadbolt from the outside. I was trapped. I turned from the door and looked down the front hallway. The large opening to my right was our living room. To my left was the garage door and straight ahead was the kitchen. The house became completely silent and still, and because of this I started to pick up on something. It was like an inaudible sound hidden in the silence. I didnt pick up on this with my ears but I just knew something was there. It was a little bit like my grandfathers old tv set only picking up static. Even with the sound muted, I could still faintly hear and feel the electrical current running through the set. If I touched the glass screen I could feel the static electricity. It was like all of that but it was in the air. I had a feeling that I was not alone and was being watched from a distance. I felt this presence in the kitchen. My eyes followed where it shouldve been as it moved into the hallway, but I couldnt see it. It was coming right for me so I ran to the right into the living room and looked back as I felt it entering the living room. 

As it moved around me I could feel the presence and even hear the faint sound moving through the air. I was terrified and the closer it got the worse I felt. I hid underneath a small table in the living room as the presence circled around me. I was totally frozen in shock and breathing very heavily. My heart was pounding and I felt like I was going to die. At this point I would start to make out lights and darks in my peripheral vision moving around me. I would constantly look right and left for some kind of attack. Whether I was seeing the entities or picking up on veil technologies I do not know. With all of my experiences later on I think I was picking up on something real. I dont believe it was just my imagination. 

I would feel ice cold and weightless as I would sob and break out in a cold sweat. Whatever these things were they triggered my bodies fight or flight response 100%. This was a terrifying life or death experience. This whole time my body was dumping natural drugs into my blood. Normally the fight or flight response as well as adrenaline and cortisol help you deal with trauma but with nothing to fight and nowhere to run, I would just absorb the trauma. I remember getting a really nauseating adrenaline high and feeling like my heart was going to explode. This would go on for what felt like forever and I would eventually white out. Jim Sparks describes what he would go through right before an alien abduction and it is exactly in detail like what I experienced. I do not remember being abducted in my childhood but I do have missing time. He was also in his thirties and I was a child so we dealt with it very differently. When I think about this I also think about the adrenachrome subject. The children are tortured and killed for the drug to be harvested. Supposedly silver oxide is mixed with it at some point during the process. That didnt happen to me but I did experience a horrible drug high against my will. At the very least it was loosh harvesting. 

These types of experiences happened many many times, with me lying on the floor hiding under a blanket, under a table, and especially lying in bed at night. I remember sitting in one of my siblings bedrooms playing with toys and I just instinctively felt a presence coming from the closet. Although I cannot say what it was, it may of been non human. This one happened many times. Sometimes I would get up and run and others I would hide under a blanket like I was nearly paralyzed. 

They happened multiple times a week, sometimes daily, and no one would listen or help. I would be ignored by my mother and punished by my father for "lying". I would helplessly experience it and then repress it. I am not sure what to call it but something happens when you keep experiencing something that is so different than anything else and also from what others are speaking about or experiencing. You will be penalized and unable to function if you speak up to the point where it is actually very dangerous to speak up and even acknowledge it. You are not safe and not being protected and you can be attacked at any time especially while alone. The first thing a child would do is disassociate. It is a perfectly natural survival mechanism and it is exactly what I started doing more and more to the point that I constantly seemed like I was in a partially dis-associative state. 

To everyone on the outside I was just a normal, maybe a little strange at times, child. To myself I was just on autopilot doing normal things so I would not be punished. In reality I was experiencing horrible things that no one should experience. What I was really experiencing was, in a way, invisible to myself and others and would be for a long time. These very early paranormal experiences continued on into my teens where they would keep me up at night and I would zone out in this delirious zombie like state, unable to sleep, but without the fear response though. That part changed. Sometimes I would get the nauseating adrenaline response but still no fear. These things were forgotten about right after they happened and were not remembered till I was about 19 years old, which was a slow gradual process. At the time of writing this, late April 2020, I am 29 years old and it is still ongoing, and I am still recalling things and trying to put things together. This is one reason for this blogs existence.  

At 3 to 4 years old I started to have problems in the bathroom where I just would not or could not go. I am very sure I was not raped or sexually abused. My mother and father were very protective and sheltering, except from the paranormal, so I am very sure I was not raped. My older step brother had problems but was not a monster. I am convinced it was NOT family or friends harming me. It is possible to be raped during astral travel, by paranormal entities. This can cause all kinds of problems because we have an energy body and whatever happens to it can influence the physical body, or vice-versa. Another effect of these rapes are often esp like abilities which I did have as far as perception of the paranormal. Its possible but I am not convinced. Past life experiences are another possibility. 

Like I said my understanding is incomplete and ongoing. It was like I was withholding something. I would stop eating and my parents would force feed me. I could not go to the bathroom and would start puking the food up. I would get sick and eventually they would use enemas. I remember screaming, fighting, and sobbing but they would out strength me. The end of the enema felt hard and sharp and the liquid was ice cold. It was very violating and I absolutely hated it and my parents. I know they meant well but it was borderline rape. At least it only happened a handful of times. These were the same people who could not protect me. 

Sometime in November 2019, I got hit with a memory as a wave of deep shame and sorrow filled my body. My brother was sitting on the floor in his room with his knees in his chest and his head on his knees. He was obviously very sad...borderline sobbing. He could barely speak. I was probably about two years old. I dont know if I asked him what was wrong or if he had to confide in someone but he told me that while he was in the mental institution someone hurt him really badly. I remember feeling so incredibly sad while he told me that I was in shock and unable to move or say anything. I seemed really empathic. 

I would have most definitely told someone immediately and maybe they would have listened or maybe not. He told me to forget he had said anything, and not to tell anyone, and to go play. I completely zoned out and did forget it too, for over twenty six years. Just like the repressed paranormal activity, you cant piece things together that you cannot remember. He claimed later that he tried to tell my mother and she ignored him just like with me regarding the paranormal. We had to learn to blend in and repress or experiences which are a part of us because others cannot or will not accept what is happening and help. We became invisible. 

He was raped in a mental institution. Satanism is in all institutions, not just the Catholic church. Causing suffering, creating darkness, personal gain or self gratification at others expense is satanism. The people involved do not even have to believe in or worship satan or anything like that. The cabal may worship paranormal entities like the black sun or others. 

Did I pick up on what my brother went through and then experienced it? Is that why I had trouble using the bathroom? Did he get a dark entity attachment, and did it project his fear and suffering onto me?

When I was three she was about to put me to sleep, and was muttering about me leaving toys in the bed. I turned around and put my arm out so she wouldnt lay me on sharp plastic toys and started screaming. There were ants all over my bed and she almost laid me in them. It was not her fault but not being safe in bed would become a constant theme. This next part may seem a little off topic but the bug infestation may be symbolic as well. Mantids encountered by people during abductions, human society, especially tunneling, resembling high tech ant colonies or vice versa, plasma spiders, and according to CoBra, chimaira spiders. I thought the above pictures were pretty cool. Ants are probably the closest creatures to humans in a lot of ways. The ant colony structure is probably the most efficient way for many creatures living in close quarters while having very large numbers. Just like human cities must be extremely organized for this to work. Some colonies have many millions, just like the cities above ground. If your going to cram millions into a small space then the modern city structure is how you would do it. This can partly explain why more and more humans have been living in cities.

However, humans did just fine living in rural areas and in smaller numbers. People who live rural, raise livestock, plant food, etc, are overall more healthy so living outside of cities is in many ways better. You are more likely to run into hostile people/government in cities along with being constantly bombarded by toxic chemicals and electromagnetic radiation. They didnt even experience that in cities in the dark ages. If they had some clean running water, better sanitation, and just enough electricity for heat and air conditioning, they wouldve probably been more healthy than us in most ways. Cities are not necessary for humans to survive and increase their numbers over time. So why are so many living in mega cities now? Is it solely for centralization of power? Is that the most efficient way for the cabal, the hive mind archon network, and various ETs to organize, manage, and control human society? Is that why there has been such a push towards cities instead of rural life?

I immersed myself in movies, video games, toys, and art. My older step brother introduced me to a number of cartoons and toys and also taught me how to draw. I had a creative streak for sure and it was also a form of escapism. Batman Mask of the Phantasm was one of my favorite childhood movies, along with the accompanying Batman animated series of the early 1990s. Even as a young child I identified with Bruce Wayne/Batman. He was expected to be someone in front of people but it was all fake. It may of started off somewhat real but as soon as traumatic experiences happened in his childhood, he was changed. A seed was planted. Although he was expected to be and to become something by those around him, it was not his mission. He went through the motions and kept up appearances...very successfully too, but it was not real. The people he interacted with in school and business ignored the real evils of the world and expected people to follow societal and cultural norms. 

In Mask of the Phantasm he loved someone and lost her, much like his parents. I dont recall exactly why she left but his night life as a vigilante may of had something to do with it. During a party at his mansion he had a drink thrown in his face by an angered guest and excused himself into a back room. It didnt bother him getting away from all of those people anyways, because he no longer had to put on the Bruce Wayne act. He had began to be consumed by Batman. It was becoming more natural to him than Bruce Wayne was. In this back room he had pictures of the women he loved and his deceased parents. He then recalled a number of things in silence and solitude. He was consumed by the past and consumed by the dark knight. Batman is a good example of being stuck in the dark night of the soul, or dark knight, and in past traumas. You develop a dark shadow or a suit of armor to protect yourself from the darkness of this world and it starts to become who you are. 

In the movie Kill Bill, at the very end of the second one, Bill describes one of the main differences between Batman and Superman to explain something to the protagonist. Bruce Wayne wakes up as Bruce Wayne, puts on a costume, but he is still Bruce Wayne. Superman wakes up as Superman and his alter ego is Clark Kent, but he is always Superman. I disagree. Bruce Wayne became consumed by Batman, It became harder over time to maintain appearances because he started to become Batman. Maybe its who he always was. Not so much his shadow self but the person using the shadow as armor to protect against evil. They are not compatible with evil and they are resisting any way they can. 

I had a Batman nightlight up in my room. I still have it. It was right there illuminating an otherwise dark room while I was having many of those terrifying paranormal experiences. It has a large yellow glowing moon behind Batmans head. It resembles early Christian artwork where there was a sun disc behind Christs head. Batman being called the dark knight along with the moon being the opposite polarity of the sun makes me wonder if it is more open occultism. Bruce Wayne was the son of wealthy industrialists, probably not far off from the cabal families. There are a lot of occultists in media so its possible. Outside of that Batman is masculine and the moon is feminine. It is a powerful and balanced image. 

Batman was terrified of bats and this became a part of his shadow. They can see and hunt in the darkness. Their echolocation allows them to pick up on far more compared to our senses, much like a dogs sense of smell. At some point when I was in elementary school I was out with my parents one night. We saw hundreds of bats flying out of the roof of a restaurant. Luckily, we never ate there. 

I watched Terminator 2, Jurassic Park, and Batman Mask of the Phantasm at least once a week from 3 to 5 years old. Kids love repetition and I was no exception. I liked kid stuff too but I liked the more mature fiction better. I thought dinosaurs were really cool. They were so different than everything else and no longer existed, except for sharks, alligators, and some other creatures. I identified with the terminator but not the killing machine from the first terminator though, more from the second movie where he did not kill anyone. He had rules and did not just do whatever he wanted. The terminator is an example of something that can be used for good or evil, like a weapon or a symbol. He looked like everyone else but was different and was here from somewhere else with an important mission. He was generally cold and unfeeling except for the mission. When his mission was completed he asked to be destroyed. His purpose was his mission. This is maybe the ultimate example of someone becoming the shadow. The terminator and Batman definitely influenced my shadow. 

The terminator traveled through time in what looked like a ball of plasma. It resembles some of the things I witnessed later on. 

I also liked the Wizard of Oz. What really stood out was how effortlessly powerful the good witch was. She was stronger than the wicked witch and was a perfect contrast to her. It seemed right. The good witch traveled as a ball of light which really caught my attention for some reason.  

By kindergarten they started putting on Japanese anime in the United States on cartoon network. I was instantly hooked. They had lots of science fiction concepts and more mature themes. I watched Dragon Ball Z almost religiously. Goku, the main character, was always different from other people. He never imposed on or harmed others unless pushed first. He always maintained a moral high ground and tried to do right. The above picture is him riding a cloud near the dragon Shenron. He found out that he was not really human and he came to earth in a ship as a baby. An alien riding a cloud in the sky. It sounds like the cloud ship UFO phenomena. His story is similar to Superman. The first series, Dragon Ball is loosely based on The Journey West story. 

Goku died and was transported to an afterlife which was almost another world, or realm. Goku and others in the show also transform, or ascend, into a different state which was my first introduction to the idea of "ascension" outside of Christ in Christianity. The above pictures are of Jesus followed by Goku from dragon ball. They become almost god like and can basically save or destroy planets. Goku and others have to stand up to a number of enemies including extraterrestrials. Goku finds "god", named Kame, who is a physical extraterrestrial living on a structure up in the sky. He was originally from another planet and his lookout is high up in the sky and resembles a UFO somewhat. It is in the first picture below. He had a sort of alter named Piccolo who was very hostile. It resembles the Enki and Enlil story. They resemble reptilians and can regrow limbs like a lizard regrowing its tail. They are in the second picture below. Kame is holding the staff.

Among other enemies were Alien dictators like Frieza, who was kind of insect like but reptilian like at other times, and the Sayians who looked human, but were very much like the Draco reptilian and warlike. The Sayian Vegeta was royalty and was very elitist and hated Goku. It resembles the story of Superman and General Zod. Goku is very much like Superman too. I never liked Superman as a child but I did later, especially the movie Man of Steel. It is the closest you will see to a good live action Dragon Ball Z movie. It also resembles the Enki and Enlil story. Dragon Ball Z had a lot of ancient astronaut stuff.

The androids were very transhumanist and Cell was another insect like enemy. He reached his worst when he merged with the android tech. Frieza did pretty much the same thing. Majin Buu was made of this pink liquid which was from another planet and was very childlike and basically pure evil. Very much like the black liquid. There was also a time chamber where the time flow and gravity were very different. It is a depiction of the rules we see governing our world broken which I have seen with UFOs before.

Simon Parkes is a British politician and has went public with some of his experiences. I dont know how much of his story is true but there are a few parts that are very similar to myself. He describes a variety of paranormal activity in his childhood which I also had. He is closely related with cabal families and I am distant relation to the bloodlines. He has shown pictures of himself at around three years old with a bright smile and then at four and at a wedding with a forced grimace, or grin. He claims this was a product of conditioning by the paranormal, specifically Draco reptilians. They do not smile and they conditioned him to be the same way. I have seen pictures of me at two years with a bright smile. My parents married when I was five and pictures taken at the wedding show me with a grimace instead of a smile. To this day I will grimace and laugh but I still cannot smile. I believe I was being conditioned into something different than most people by something paranormal.   

Daycare and kindergarten seemed really wrong. Being left with total strangers where anything can happen, unsure of if your mother will come back or not and partially raised by teachers and others. I cried a lot in daycare and unlike the other kids I never slept.

In kindergarten I would space out while sitting in class and come back shivering and terrified, to discover I had pissed my pants. It happened maybe a few times. I would get up and leave to go to the nurse and come back to find the teacher had no idea I had even left. She saw me walk in and then looked over at my empty desk and looked back with this sort of "OH, SHIT" look. I never slept in Kindergarten either. I would put my mat on its side and make a fort or just sit up and look around and try to figure out who else wasnt asleep. Most of them were, which I would find out was probably not a coincidence. Looking back this sounds like disturbing foreshadowing. 

By five or six I was always exhausted and drained and could barely make a fist. I was the weakest and slowest guy in the class. I was probably closer to death than I shouIdve been. I was always half there and my most common answer to questions was "I dont know". I remember playing with my toys one night. This was accompanied by the non human presence but instead of feeling the intense fear, I kind of tapped into it, or maybe it tapped into me. It was very disturbing and I saw my toy terminators head turn slightly towards me. Of course it did not actually move. My consciousness just twisted. It felt very strange as I saw this but it looked so real that I got up and told my family what had happened. 

Of course they did not believe me and I stopped telling them. Another time it happened with a whole row of toys on top of a dresser. Things like this occasionally happened. I would stand a toy up in a way that it could not of fallen over and it would. I believe there were entities influencing or possibly possessing me and causing mild hallucinations. This could of been hostile deceased people, Greys, or demonic entities. The paranormal can be tough to figure out if you cannot feel what they are. In my twenties I could wake up and feel what they were much of the time, but it was more difficult at other times. I wasnt able to feel them as well when I was young and any perception would of been clouded by fear anyways. Why they did this was possibly to drive more of a wedge between myself and others to advance the conditioning, or maybe they were trying to really interact with me. If so they really dont understand people. 

“Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.”

“What truth?”

“There is no spoon.”

“There is no spoon?”

“Then you will see, it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.”

I was of course changing, into what I still dont know, and things like this were a part of the process. It reminds me of the above quote from the Matrix. I saw things that went against everything I was being shown and told by society. I dont think I was ever fully part of the archon matrix. I couldnt tell others and over time I had to learn to go within and discern for myself what was really happening. I watched societies artificial reality bend and it forced me to change, or bend, as well. As far as the toys moving in front of me what really messed with my head was when Toy Story came out. I loved that movie but it also scared me. I was always looking around my room hoping to catch one moving and of course never did. There is probably a deep back story where Toy Story represents childrens entertainment going from Old Westerns to science fiction or something, but I see it as a child friendly depiction of the ancient astronaut theory, without offending Christians. 

There is a simple tribal community who does things a certain way, in this case Andys toys in his bedroom. They have simple norms and a simple understanding of the way things are. They have Woody who is tribal leader. Buzz Lightyear, space ranger, shows up and everything changes. He tells them who he is and what he is doing. "Well, no. Actually, I-I'm stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four. As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps, I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion from the Evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance." 

Its some kind of high tech turf war. The tribe is mesmerized by his wings and laser and whatever else and starts to borderline worship him. He couldve probably used it to his advantage and had the run of the place if he wanted. Woody, who was a respected, responsible, and honest tribal leader gets thrown in the old toy box, which is basically their dumpster. They all go for the next new thing and abandon what they had. I wont show any actual Toy Story pictures because Tim Honks who voiced Woody may be a notorious child molester and murderer along with many other Hollyweird idols. The above picture is not actually Buzz Lightyear.

I loved Jurassic Park and dinosaurs as a child and this next part relates to Jesus, so I went with the above picture which I think is great. When I was around two to three I had lined up toy cars in a perfectly straight line. I measured it and everything. I left the room and came back. My mother was on the other side of the house and no one else was home. No other people or pets. The cars were slightly zigzagged. It wasnt like someone kicked them around but they had been moved just enough to let me know. I knew nothing about the paranormal except what my Catholic family had told me. There was a good presence in the room and I chalked it up to Jesus, Mother Mary, and my deceased grandfather trying to play cars with me. I had a feint image of them in my minds eye. Was it just my imagination? Not long afterwards at the St Lucie Catholic church in front of the alter I had another experience. I felt the same good presence as before and had the image of my grandfather and Jesus. Im not sure if Mary was present, but again it was in my minds eye.   

My father took me fishing and hunting often. Although we lived in a large town that quickly became a fast growing city we still had a small connection with nature that most did not. I remember my mother bringing me to a dock where him and his friend Mike were waiting. I was probably about two years old. Mike gave me a red and black fishing pole and we still have it. My family would eat the food that he had hunted or fished for at least once a week. He had rules about hunting, like just because you can legally shoot a deer does not mean you have to. He liked to wait till the deer antlers were out past their ears. This meant they were older and more mature. They were very likely to have reproduced by then and lived a decent amount of their lives. He would not shoot a small doe either. I remember us dragging a deer back that he had shot while we were hunting in South Carolina. I was probably around seven years old. I felt bad for it, and I noticed the tongue was hanging out and dragging along the ground, but I was also fascinated by it. Being away form a town or city and the way the animal smelled was a very different experience. 

These creatures are a part of nature, which people are mostly cut off from. The ecosystems that birds or other creatures form in towns and cities are somewhere in the middle. Deer are timid creatures and are technically a prey animal. They have incredibly strong senses of smell and hearing, and while their vision is not very good they are great at seeing movement and changes in their environment. They can use their antlers as weapons as well as kicking with their hooves, but their best defenses are their senses and escaping. They jump clean over a cattle fence with a bit of a running start and make it look easy. We were hunting once when I was in maybe second grade and I shot at a buck. We didnt find a blood trail and I probably missed. Another time around second or third grade I refused to shoot at a doe because it had a few babies with it. I find it interesting that out of the handful of times I went deer hunting we saw deer three or four of those times but I never actually killed a deer. Part of hunting and fishing is luck. You can do everything right and still not see anything. I had really good luck which made a little more sense later on. 

I remember not far from this time, maybe early in the afternoon, walking down the driveway in my sandals looking for my father. It was warm and sunny so it couldve been almost anytime of the year in south Florida. The spaced out state was like the one I was in as a child in my sandbox, although I was more beat up and beleaguered from the paranormal and other things. The innocent bliss was partially replaced with trauma and suffering. It was still close though. To my left was one of my fathers cars and to my right was his box truck. As I passed them both I was halfway down the driveway and to my left and right I could see the grass on each side of the driveway.

It was at this point I saw to my right a snake slithering towards me from the grass onto the driveway. I left my spaced out state and froze simultaneously. It shouldve noticed me standing right in front of it but it continued towards me as if I wasnt there. I glanced down and watched as it slithered over my foot like it was just a part of the ground. I felt its smooth cold skin as it slid across one of my exposed feet. It then continued along the driveway and into the grass. It was a wild animal. They are very sensitive to their surroundings. Most people dont have experiences like this and it had to be something different about me or that bizarre state that I enter at times.  

Buzz Lightyear by Dan LuVisi - Toy Story - Disney Pixar


  1. I had some experiences similar but not at all as many or frightening when I was young, below 15 at least. I guess most young people have it in one way or another. I wonder if it is because you are more open to it in your mind or if the "visitors" are more interested in young people?
    I had a "resurrection" of experiences 5-10 years ago when I started interesting myself of spirituality, ufos, channeling etc. Around 2017 I decided to shut it down until the time is right again and now I am mostly waiting. I feel kinda empty inside also now. It really did shut down.
    I wonder when it will turn again.

    1. I may add info to this post in the future to clarify things. I did shut down somewhat from around thirteen to fifteen years old. Sixteen to eighteen years old I slowly started waking and by eighteen to nineteen my paranormal activity kind of blew up for some reason. I think younger people are more open and the paranormal are interested in everyone but the young have a more pure energy so they may be targeted more.


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