The Paranormal Decade Part 1

I have had paranormal activity of varying types and to varying degrees my entire life. Some of my earliest memories are of activity, just like in this Dio album cover. It seemed almost daily and while it wasnt audible and it was not very visual I could definitely feel whatever was there. I would repress the experiences and then others would follow shortly after, which went on for years. I was never fully conscious. I was sort of a blank slate and life was just pretending to be somewhat normal and doing just enough of what people in control wanted to keep them off of my back, like parents. This was life, I was on auto pilot, and I never questioned it. This went on into my teens where it seems like I just ignored the experiences and did not acknowledge any entities. This was not done intentionally.

I had an experience while I was at Centennial High School in St Lucie county, around 10th or 11th grade. The front of the school had a main parking lot. The buildings closest to it were the main offices. The next buildings as you entered the school were the cafeteria, the library, and the auditorium. These surrounded a main courtyard which filled up during the two lunch hours. There were two main outdoor hallways that ran from the courtyard all the way to the back of the school which was the gymnasium and football field. These two hallways had lots of classrooms.

In between those two hallways were smaller hallways filled with more classrooms. From the sky the school probably resembled a long ladder with the smaller hallways resembling the rungs of a ladder. I was walking down one of the main hallways and I was the only person out of class as far as I could see. I was probably halfway through the hall going towards the courtyard when I felt a hand tap my shoulder and someones presence behind me. I turned around and no one was there. I made a full circle to make sure no one was playing a trick on me and there was absolutely no one around.

I dont know what it was. It could of been one of many deceased people who just dont move on and stick around for whatever reason. It may of been a dark entity. A girl died in the gym two years before I started attending the school. She had heart issues and collapsed. If she did not move on, it may of been her. She may of been in her death state trying to get help. Or not.

Once I hit nineteen years old, which was around 2010, things picked up. I had already started learning about the power elite and started looking up things about the paranormal. I began recalling things from my childhood as I was experiencing new activity that was more visual.

I started having what are called synchronicities. Things happen that just do not seem random like just looking up to see a UFO break the laws of physics, or the same numbers showing up so many times that it cannot be coincidence. I started writing some of them down but there were many more that I did not and I eventually stopped unless they really stood out to me. I dealt with it far better than when I was a child and better than most adults would have. Below is a variety of the activity I experienced from 2010 to 2020.

Sometime around 2010 to 2011 I had a strange dream. I was in what looked like a Wallgreens parking lot. Wallgreens is sort of right between a convenient store and a department store. I was looking up into a dark night sky full of winged creatures. Hundreds of them, maybe thousands. They looked like a mix between a human and a bat and while I believe they were small I really cant be sure. I watched them flying in front of the moon and I knew I was the only one who could see them. I had the feeling it was not just a dream but wrote no details about it.

Early January 2012
I was at a small park near my house in Port St Lucie around 7 pm just after sunset. The park was tucked away in the neighborhood I grew up in. It was close to three main roads and surrounded by houses, yet no one ever went there like it was a secret place. Something shot up from some grass next to the parking lot toward a row of oak trees. It had a feint glow. On January 28th after sunset the same thing happened but the object went over the trees. I also had the experience with the Greek statue head around the same time and had been handed a bible and Christian pamphlet totally at random a few months prior. I had been doing a lot of praying trying to figure out what was going on so it seemed important at the time.

This experience was wrote down late but may of happened on February 9th(?), 2012. I was at a Bealls department store around 8:30 pm. The store was almost empty and I was walking through a main isle towards the back when something tapped the right side of my head, around the temple. It was hard enough that it caught my attention but it wasnt like I was punched though. I turned around and I was the only person back there. It reminded me of the incident at my school.

April 30, 2012
I was on the computer at exactly 10:47 pm when I saw a bright gold orb in my periphery. It shot from left to right above the computer and disappeared.

Around May 1st, 2012
I had a bizarre dream where I was in a strange two story house out in the middle of nowhere. I could see through the sliding glass doors at the back of the house that there were a lot of trees around. Their orange brown leaves were falling off so it looked like it was fall. I was with my younger brother and one of us wanted to desperately leave the house and the other wanted to stay put, but I cannot remember which one of us wanted to leave and to stay.

It seemed like we were both worried about something and I think I wanted to leave out through the back because I was by the sliding glass doors when the front door of the house opened and three men stormed in. They were over six foot tall and had heavy and bulky builds. They were wearing black suits and ties with white undershirts and had short black hair combed back. Their skin was pale white and their eyes were hidden by sunglasses. I think they were identical to one another, like they were clones.

They moved through a kitchen that was at the front of the house towards my brother. He could not move for some reason, and two of the men in black ran up to him, each grabbing an arm, and took off for the front door. I started chasing after them and I cannot remember the rest. The third man may of come after me. As I ran from him it kept me from helping my brother. My brother began changing for the worst around this time and he did act kind of funny in the dream too. 

I believe these were the men in black. If you try to look anything up about them you will have to dig through lots of Hollywood stuff to find anything. This goes for so much of the paranormal type subjects. I think the agents in The Matrix as well as the agents of fate in The Adjustment Bureau are loosely based off of them. I dont think it was just a dream.

May 6th, 2012
I fell asleep sometime after 1 am. The next thing I remember was a loud electronic and metallic pop sound with a very bright flash of white light. I nearly jumped out of bed. I believe it was part of an abduction. Whether it was alien or milab I have no idea but that definitely sounded like technology.

May 7th, 2012
I fell asleep but didnt write down the time. I was awoken by a loud, painful, bellowing, and indiscernible noise and again I almost jumped out of bed. These could of been rappaports if I was re entering my body after astral travel. They could also of been me being put back in after an abduction using technology. The abductions can be done physically but they can also pull peoples energy body.

I had another experience that happened in the middle of 2012 sometime but I did not write down when. This could be a dream or a piece of a memory. I can only remember blackness but I remember a voice mid sentence saying something like "...and humans are turning into a type of plasma". It was a deep muffled voice and it sounded like it was trying to be helpful.

Aug 6th, 2012
I had a bad fever with a stuffy nose, heat and chills at the same time, and a sore throat. I was having trouble sleeping and finally fell asleep around 3 am and had a bizarre dream. I could not see where I was at because I had a small weak barrier around me that made the environment blurry. There was something hostile that wanted to break through the barrier. It had a humanoid form that I could make out. I had this thought that I could do anything with just my mind and I thought about destroying the fever. The barrier strengthened and shot outwards pushing the humanoid figure back. I heard a loud pop noise, which may or may not of been a Rappaport and I woke up. I felt much better

Early October 2012
I was lying in bed unable to fall asleep and I felt like I was being watched. I had a depressed, uneasy, and claustrophobic feeling while my mind raced. I had uncontrollable thoughts about the difference between life for advanced space faring races and life on earth where I felt trapped. The claustrophobia and hyperventilation got worse the more my thoughts raced about the difference between earth and space. I said aloud but quietly, "I want to the leave the planet, but I cant" and I cried uncontrollably for about ten minutes. I never ever cry.

I am not sure when this one happened, so I am going to place it in early 2013. I went to sleep and I recall being in a room in the daytime. The walls were white and the room may of been dome shaped. There were children in the room. They had brown skin and actually looked a little like younger versions of some neighbors I had at the time. They were asian and black mixed and were in high school at the time. They seemed happy and it also seemed like we were midway through some sort of conversation. One of them mentioned the way I looked being "what I really looked like" or something. I then saw myself almost from the third person. It was like a moving picture and it may of been my minds eye. I was around six foot tall with a lean medium sized build. I had straight blood red hair down to my shoulders and light green eyes. The color below is close enough.

My skin was pretty pale but not too pale and I had some black beard stubble. It was different than my shorter stockier build and bald head. I also have the squinted eyes that a lot of the cabal people have. The image in the dream did feel right. Was it a dream or me on another plane? I thought of the place that Sylvia Browne describes in her book A Tour of the Afterlife. It is somewhere people go often, out of body, for a variety of reasons like visiting friends and family. There are many deceased people there spending time between lifetimes.

February 11th, 2013
I fell asleep around 2 am and woke up around 2 to 3 am from a very loud "PING" sound. I sleep with ear plugs in and it did not come from the house or neighborhood. I didnt see anything and went back to sleep.

March 16th, 2013
I woke up sometime after 5 am but before sunrise, so around 6 to 7. The darkness covering the closet door became slightly lighter and formed a shape. It looked like blurry white double helix dna strand which rotated once and disappeared. I shut my eyes and went right back to sleep.

March 18th and 19th, 2013
I was lying in bed around 2:30 am. Translucent clouds were hovering around the room with dim blue and green pixels in them which seemed to move and flicker. When they were in my periphery bolts of dim light would shoot through them, or maybe its just because periphery vision is more sensitive to light and dark. I call them light shows and I have seen them on and off since I can remember. The closest I could find was a picture of glowing fog, but its not that close. On the 20th, around 2 am, I started falling asleep but was awoken by a loud and simultaneous beep in each ear and around 2:30 am I saw another light show but this one was more bright. My parents had been having lots of trouble with a neighbor for months and things quickly happened and helped them a lot.

July 2nd, 2013
I was lying in bed around 2:15 to 2:30 am and could not fall asleep. I started seeing another light show. I dont know if these things are good or bad but I began hearing loud yet silent white noise. I felt it more than I heard it and its hard to describe. I began feeling light and a little lightheaded and disoriented. I dont know if it was from being tired or from the light show or both. The dim cloudy lights began moving from around the closet to the bedroom door. They slowly went up to the ceiling and then moved closer to my bed.

I had no fear and stuck my hand out slowly towards it with my palm up. I didnt specify in my journal but I think it was my left hand. It sort of shrouded and circled my hand like an aura. My hand vibrated a little and then the feeling and dim light traveled down my arm and into my torso. It made me feel hot and cold at the same time and I shuddered a little. I very quietly reacted, not quite crying out as I am pretty reserved and composed, but sort of a surprised uneasy noise. The whole thing lasted about 30 seconds and I lost the disoriented feeling.

I noticed my feet and calves were sweating. Usually my torso would sweat but never my legs, which I am sure was not the point of this experience. I began trying to sleep and I would see a large eye or a pair of eyes watching me, maybe a couple of times. They reminded me of a reptilian or a feline beings eyes. I did not feel they were hostile but they never made their actual intent known.

I am not sure when this next experience happened so I am placing it here. My parents had a lot of trouble with a neighbor the first quarter of 2013. Without going into detail the man was not himself and everyone around knew instinctively not to look in his direction at times. Multiple people agreed that we could just feel this horrible presence coming from him. He just put out this extreme hostility and stared. My father and myself who a lot of people would describe as "tough" did not confront him. He was definitely possessed. He even admitted later that he was giving my mother what he called his "death stare". She had at least one heart attack in this time frame. Because they were mild its hard to tell how many. A dark entity was possessing him and using him as a conduit to direct attacks at my mother. Humans have psychic abilities and this proves it. More proof would be The Men Who Stare at Goats. A better explanation of it can be found here by Dick Allgire, who is a remote viewer. Glenn B Wheaton who was involved is mentioned here

Why dark entities would do this, specifically targeting people close to me, is pretty obvious. They cant lose. They feed off of the drama and fear of everyone involved. If me or my father would of stopped him, and it would of had to of been violent, we would of probably gotten into a lot of trouble. It was definitely a trap. We tried to do the right thing and called the city police five separate times. We had pictures to prove it and they did nothing and it continued for months. They got some help from the sheriffs department...thats when he admitted to what he was doing. It stopped, but there was still this tense feeling. The man was eventually arrested over it mid to late 2013.

Sometime after the arrest I went to sleep and woke up around sunrise. I awoke to a very heavy sickening feeling. Across the room was a humanoid figure around six foot tall glaring at me like it wanted me to die. It was giving me a "death stare". It stood there about five seconds and started to fade away. It resembled the neighbor quite a bit, but the presence was the one I felt from the neighbor when he would get drunk and change. This was definitely the entity that had possessed him. This figure had no hair but its cranium was a little bigger than a persons. The neighbor wore his hair combed up and back, which made his head appear to be a little bigger. This made the shape of their heads identical. The entities brow ridge was a little pronounced just like the neighbors. The neighbor wore these large thick framed glasses and this thing had large pitted eye sockets which were similar in shape. Their builds were close but the glare and scowl were identical.

This was the entity that was responsible for months of problems now glaring at me. When I wake up I can often see "further", but I often cannot move. After about five seconds it began to fade away and I started moving. It could of been demonic or maybe a tall Grey. Why did it show itself to me? It reminded me of a serial killer leaving evidence behind on purpose and returning to the scene of a murder. Dark entities usually like to stay hidden, but this one wanted to be known for what it had done. Was this entire thing the darks trying to get me to react? It did seem like a trap.

October 7th, 2013
I tried to go to sleep around 2 am. I kept falling asleep and being startled awake by the sound of a loud bang like a gunshot with a bright flash of light. I would wake up and near the closet door I would see dim light, dark blurry blobs, or blurry faces watching me. They would quickly fade away. This happened about six times.

March 11th, 2014
I had what may of been a dream. I dont recall anything about it except that it involved my younger brother. What I remember after that is staring at my white bedroom wall while it was moving up and left. It appeared to be moving up and left because I was actually moving down and right floating down to my bed. All of a sudden I stopped moving and I lifted my left hand up. I looked at my palm and fingers and thought almost aloud, "Okay, Im back in".

I had left and came back and was now lying on my right side under my sheet and blanket. None of this came as a shock to me. It was like I had done this a million times before and everything went according to plan. I did not open my eyes or blink and I certainly didnt wake up and look at my hand. I was conscious the entire time. This made me question all of those weird dreams I had and if they were really out of body experiences.

Christmas 2014 I was given a pair of jeans from my parents. The brand was called Free Planet, they probably dont use sweat shop slave labor which is why they have that name. I am very interested in the planet being liberated from what I will just call the dark forces, so the name had an alternate meaning for me. My journal which I wrote many of my stories in involving the paranormal has some interesting names and numbers. I noticed it was made in Bay Shore, New York. I think the address may of been 11706. I grew up on a street that was of off a main road called Bayshore. I frequently see 117 and a friend gave me the empty book. I met him during the 2005 to 2006 school year. 117 and 2006 or 11706. Maybe it doesnt mean anything but I dont believe in coincidence. Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.


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