The Black Dragon, The Liquid, and Electricity
Sometime in late 2010
I was in my room sitting on the floor around 10 pm with my parents dog. I had a strange feeling and felt like I was being watched. Not knowing anything about the paranormal I demanded whatever was there to show itself. In hindsight I should not of spoken to it. Something shot through the air just above my head to one side of the room where there was a loud click on the wall. It immediately shot to the other side where there was another click.
I was following this invisible object through the air as it shot back and forth. I wasnt following the clicks, I could sense it and follow it through the air before each click. I glanced at the dog and it was turning its head from side to side following this thing just like I was. The clicking continued for another ten seconds or so, totaling maybe half a dozen clicks, maybe more. At this point the dog and I looked at each other. She had this mild mannered but surprised look with her head slightly tilted sideways. It wasnt just me.
October 18th, 2012
I was lying in bed around 2 am and there were lots of clicking noises. I felt very light. I was hot and cold at the same time and heard lots of white noise too. I had a strong feeling of being watched too. I have heard the clicking noises my entire life and I usually dont say anything. This time I said aloud, "There is no one there" and there was an incredibly loud click in the tv. I believe these clicks are static shocks. According to Jerry Marzinsky these are hostile entities that can cause schizophrenia. They are the voices that people hear. Here is an interview he has done with Judith Kwoba on Nightflight:
I was lying in bed around 2 am and there were lots of clicking noises. I felt very light. I was hot and cold at the same time and heard lots of white noise too. I had a strong feeling of being watched too. I have heard the clicking noises my entire life and I usually dont say anything. This time I said aloud, "There is no one there" and there was an incredibly loud click in the tv. I believe these clicks are static shocks. According to Jerry Marzinsky these are hostile entities that can cause schizophrenia. They are the voices that people hear. Here is an interview he has done with Judith Kwoba on Nightflight:
In 2013, I was in my early twenties. I wanted to get some sort of career and social life and try to live a normal life. The paranormal activity always made that difficult as did constantly being targeted by bad people and having really bad luck. I was still trying though. On Saturday May 18, 2013 I kept trying to fall asleep around 1:30 am but would be awoken by a loud indiscernible noise.
As I awoke I would see a blurry figure looking through the wall above the headboard of the bed. I would look towards it and it would disappear, and I knew I was being watched. This happened a few times over maybe 30 minutes and I was either stubborn, crazy, or really tired because I just kept falling back asleep. All I remember was seeing black and I felt a hand pressing just under my left armpit, and then through my body into my heart. I was being shocked this entire time. It wasnt like being tasered where your muscles all seize up. I believe I was out of body. I could barely move and was trying to at least turn my head and see what was going on. Even though everything was pitch black I did see a figure behind me.
It had a human silhouette made of a light blue electricity but inside of it, as well as everything else, was black. I kept struggling and repeating "I love you, we are from the same source, this is not necessary". Why did I keep saying that? I woke up in the morning and felt fine at first. I started developing weird speech issues afterwards. Not only did these stick around but they got worse. At the time of typing this, early 2020, they are still a problem.
Sunday March 11th, 2018
I was sleeping in and a little after 12 in the afternoon I started waking up. It felt surreal and strange and I was waking very slowly. It didnt seem like I was being attacked by an entity but I could not get complete control over my body. I was definitely in my room, and I really wanted to sit up and get out of bed. I sleep with ear plugs so I couldnt hear anything and was completely focused on my eyes opening and some visualization exercise. This would help me focus on controlling my body.
Thats when my eyes were forced shut against my will and at that point I felt a presence and knew I wasnt alone in the room. I started struggling and had to focus on my heavy breathing, which was muffled by the ear plugs, in order to remain conscious. The next part I dont fully understand. My eyes had shut but I saw the tv across my bedroom. The reflection off of the tv screen was like a mirror. It showed my bed with me in it and the walls next to and behind the bed.
I saw what looked like my face looking into the screen, eyes wide open, and it looked almost like my head was lifting off of the pillow. Just like when you look at your reflection in a mirror. I was paralyzed so I doubt I opened my eyes and lifted my head up. It could of been my minds eye but it looked like me looking back in the reflection. I think it was me going out of body to figure out what was happening. Something else I saw in the reflection was a long thin strand of black liquid coming through the wall and pulling away from me as soon as I became aware of it.
It seemed somewhat intelligent and my initial thought was not fear of it but a disappointed feeling about something else. If I had to put it into words it would be like quietly saying to yourself "Oh no". I recovered control over my body pretty quickly, sat up in bed, and immediately pulled out one of my earplugs. I didnt consciously know what was coming but a part of me definitely knew. On the other side of the wall where the black liquid had come from was the shower of the guest bathroom. In the shower was my younger brother.
He had his new iPhone on the bathroom counter and was playing "music". Modern technology and music is designed to interact with people, the veil technologies, and dark entities, exactly as it did. I became very nauseous. My brother has over time become a worse person and he is a borderline sociopath and pathological liar. I stopped talking to him late August 2017 and it was a great decision. Because of his spiritual, moral, and mental problems he has become more and more a conduit for dark paranormal activity of which I am of course the target for a variety of reasons.
The archon network concentrated black liquid tech, controlled by A.I., around him or even in him. It then most likely entered my head and forced my eyes shut. He has had his girlfriend here for two years, from late 2017 to the time of typing this January 2020, and she is the same. Because of money problems I am stuck in my housing situation for now.
October 9th, 2018
I had an interesting experience that seemed like a dream and then turned into something else entirely on Tuesday October 9th. I had not been able to sleep all night and had nothing to do all day so around 9 to 10 am I tried to sleep. I had a weird dream immediately, which usually doesnt happen. I was in some sort of hotel store and there were around ten people. They were buying clothes or something. The closest picture I could find online was something like the one below, which is a hotel for the one percent. It didnt look quite as fancy in the dream though, but it was enormous.
This crazy shaved headed guy was running around the hotel knocking people over. He knocked me down with a security guard at the same time who was trying to restrain him, I think. He looked like a certain knowledgeable powerlifting/fitness author whose name I wont say. The guard got up and took off after him, possibly with other guards although I dont remember. I got up and left that part of the hotel.
I found myself outside on a platform connecting different parts of the hotel. The platform had a roof which was held up by large round pillars. The hotel walls and pillars had this sort of sand colored stucco, and the platform had safety railings of the same color.
This crazy shaved headed guy was running around the hotel knocking people over. He knocked me down with a security guard at the same time who was trying to restrain him, I think. He looked like a certain knowledgeable powerlifting/fitness author whose name I wont say. The guard got up and took off after him, possibly with other guards although I dont remember. I got up and left that part of the hotel.
I found myself outside on a platform connecting different parts of the hotel. The platform had a roof which was held up by large round pillars. The hotel walls and pillars had this sort of sand colored stucco, and the platform had safety railings of the same color.
All of a sudden there was a black dragon blocking me on the platform. It looked like the black dragon from How to Train your Dragon, but it was large, covered in black liquid, and very hostile. It was being hostile yet creepily playful at the same time, like it was completely demented. I was in a dream so I was able to easily move in circles and evade, and escaped.
As I was escaping the dragon the bald guy showed up again and was trying to knock me down and hotel security rushed him and also flipped out on me. They cuffed me and took me somewhere and I think the bald guy escaped. I kept asking if we could just talk and one guard actually made eye contact. I mentioned that the bald guy had knocked them and myself over before. They realized I was right, and felt bad but continued on almost like they were following orders.
They left me and disappeared. I was in a dim and eerily quiet small room with white walls and dark red carpet. It actually reminds me of the backrooms in the St Lucie Catholic Church. I could hear the bald guy but could not see him. He said in a sort of tough love way, "The first step is always the hardest". I did not want to walk into the center of the room, but I felt like I should and took a few steps forward. A powerful vibrating electrical energy filled my body and I could not move.
As I was escaping the dragon the bald guy showed up again and was trying to knock me down and hotel security rushed him and also flipped out on me. They cuffed me and took me somewhere and I think the bald guy escaped. I kept asking if we could just talk and one guard actually made eye contact. I mentioned that the bald guy had knocked them and myself over before. They realized I was right, and felt bad but continued on almost like they were following orders.
They left me and disappeared. I was in a dim and eerily quiet small room with white walls and dark red carpet. It actually reminds me of the backrooms in the St Lucie Catholic Church. I could hear the bald guy but could not see him. He said in a sort of tough love way, "The first step is always the hardest". I did not want to walk into the center of the room, but I felt like I should and took a few steps forward. A powerful vibrating electrical energy filled my body and I could not move.
Still staring at the white wall in the strange room, the electricity began to subside, and I started moving my head around. My vision was still bright and blurred but as I looked around I noticed I was in my bedroom. I did not open my eyes and wake up, I was awake and my eyes were open the entire time. I went from being shocked staring into a wall to staring into my bedroom wall completely instantly and seamlessly. I cannot explain it. I could not see nor sense any entities in the room either. Was this a part of my "ascension"? It seemed like something out of Dragon Ball Z.
I was reading an exercise related article and it made me think of some stories and experiences.
"Doing 7 bouts of very short interval (20 seconds, in this case), balls-out exercise, each followed by 2-minute, slow-peddling recovery sessions, duplicates many of the benefits of endurance exercise.
Furthermore, it leads to the production of new mitochondria, which are cellular constituents that pump protons across a membrane to generate electrical charges that are equivalent to the power, over a few nanometers, of a bolt of lighting.
(Because of these mitochondria, your body is gram for gram generating 10,000 times more energy than the sun, even when you're sitting comfortably.)"
And I thought "Can the human body generate a bolt of lightning?".
Duncan O'finioan is a survivor of MKUltra mk II "Project Talent". Almost every person involved is now dead. Over half died during the first phase of the project while they were still just children. I saw him on Jesse Ventura's show "Conspiracy Theory" in 2010 and I eventually looked him up online and have listened to his interviews ever since. One story he told about project talent took place in the 1960's in south east Asia. I am not a Project Camelot fan. They have been involved with too many people that I think are frauds, but their interviews with O'finioan were relevant to this post.
There were U.S. military on the ground about to be overrun by enemies. One of those men was named David Corso who corroborated the story. A chopper landed nearby and a bunch of children jumped out and formed a circle holding hands. One of these children was Duncan. When they joined hands an enormous flash of light electrocuted every single enemy combatant.
I have some strange experiences that were so bizarre I did not write them down so I dont have exact dates or even a year. They happpened from 2013 to 2015. I went to sleep and all I remember is being out of my body, in my room, and over my bed. Someone was above and behind me and may of warned me or needed help. I dont remember who.
Dark cloudy figures, almost like black smoke, were coming through the wall from my younger brothers room. I raised both arms slightly overhead and faced my palms towards them, and began laughing as flashes of golden white light fired from my hands. One entity would start to come through and would be knocked back as another would try and be instantly knocked back too. I did not let them get through the wall. I only remember around five seconds of it and woke up the next day with a very disturbed feeling.
I did not write it in my journal because I couldnt except that maybe it really happened. It was right out of Dragon Ball or a Marvel comic. I did not see it at the time but they were working on my brother and he was weaponized later. It could of been him above me after fleeing from the entities entering his room.
I have some strange experiences that were so bizarre I did not write them down so I dont have exact dates or even a year. They happpened from 2013 to 2015. I went to sleep and all I remember is being out of my body, in my room, and over my bed. Someone was above and behind me and may of warned me or needed help. I dont remember who.
Dark cloudy figures, almost like black smoke, were coming through the wall from my younger brothers room. I raised both arms slightly overhead and faced my palms towards them, and began laughing as flashes of golden white light fired from my hands. One entity would start to come through and would be knocked back as another would try and be instantly knocked back too. I did not let them get through the wall. I only remember around five seconds of it and woke up the next day with a very disturbed feeling.
I did not write it in my journal because I couldnt except that maybe it really happened. It was right out of Dragon Ball or a Marvel comic. I did not see it at the time but they were working on my brother and he was weaponized later. It could of been him above me after fleeing from the entities entering his room.
Another time I woke up and saw something familiar. A dark, see through, flat, 2D circle moving slowly along the wall across the room. They are annoying but I never felt threatened by them, although they do resemble the amoeba archons that Robert Stanley has pictures of on his site. I was really tired and still half a sleep when I muttered "get out of here". I lifted up my left hand, which was half limp. A little blob of baby blue energy shot out of my hand, away from, and then quickly across the room towards the circle.
It struck the dark circle which sort of cracked all over, and resembled dark tinted broken glass. It sputtered forward a few inches and then disappeared. I immediately went back to sleep like this was a regular occurrence for some reason, woke up later, and had to acknowledge that it did happen. I still didnt write it in my journal.
I will link to something about Roy Sullivan. I believe he was targeted many times over his life by the archon network, using lightning and people, which led to his suicide.
I am convinced that we, especially with our energy bodies, can use directed energy attacks. But we are also transmitters and receivers of energy every second of every day. Everything is a battle of energy. Choosing to do the right thing, dealing with things the best way possible, trying not to be selfish, etc. Life is a battle of energy.
hello, I followed the link that you put on Fm144.
ReplyDeletewow! I also experienced attacks and very strange things. you did well to put the link on the Fm144 site. every time i wrote on the site, that i had concerns about entities things are immediately improved just after.
when I was little my aunt who was about 20 years old, said that she saw things like the ones you tell. around the age of 50 the doctors said she was schizophrenic. I think it's wrong, it has been attacked by archons since forever!
there is not much time left all this will stop after the event.
I spoke to two psychiatrists. The first one heard me say paranormal and said I was schizophrenic. The second one said probably not, its a big universe, we dont know everything about it, and that I didnt seem schizophrenic.
DeleteGreat experiences bro, always remember you’re far more powerful than any entity that try’s to attack you or to create havoc in your life. I’ve had many experiences with dark entities but when you truly believe you’re always protected and are literally god then you can stop them experiences whenever you’re ready. Contact your galactic family more via dream state, ask to be healed and visit the healing chambers on the ships. You’re far from crazy you’re just an open soul shining bright and this can attract dark beings when you’re not protected. Visualise being surrounded by a sphere of white light & only beings who are of unconditional love and christ consciousness may enter this sphere. All the best we are nearly at the finish line
ReplyDeleteCool, keep up the good work buddy.
ReplyDeleteThank you Cruise and Patrick