
March 1st, 2013
I have always had trouble sleeping, specifically falling asleep at a consistent time. I had no career and made money off of the books, usually on my own time, so I was able to sleep whenever I could. On this particular occasion I fell asleep around 5 am. The next thing I remember was being smothered by blackness. It was all around me and I struggled against it as much as I could, but I was barely conscious. 

This has happened to me an enormous amount of times with ETs as well as demonic entities. The feeling is similar enough that it is hard to tell the two apart. I felt a weird violating feeling from the base of my spine up into my low back. According to the new agers it was right around my lower chakras. It was not physical or painful but it was still very uncomfortable. I think that I was out of body during this experience. For some reason after struggling for a little while I started repeating "I love you and this is not necessary" at least five times very quickly and meant it. I did feel like I gained a little bit of control while saying it.

I must of been on my right side this whole time because I suddenly rolled over to my left. Whether I gained control and did this or something else did I have no idea. As I rolled the darkness and sensation of being smothered instantly vanished, as did the feeling in my low back. I was now looking at a drab dark gray metallic room. I was either floating in the air or lying on a table but I am not sure. 

Two Grey ETs were in the room. They were about five foot tall with light beige skin and large brown human looking eyes. One was heading away from me towards a doorway. On the other side of the doorway was blank whiteness, not light shining through, just blankness. The above picture is one of my own and shows the room, although its hard to make out. I dont recall much so the picture is framed in blackness. 

The other Grey was very close to me still, and as it turned away towards the door it made eye contact for just a fraction of a second. I received a message telepathically. If I had to put it into words it would be something like "We are here to show you we are real", but very quickly. While all this was happening there was also someone else in the room standing next to the doorway. She was human looking, I would say European looking with light skin, blonde hair down to her shoulders and blue eyes. 

She was taller than the Greys but under six foot if I had to guess. She wore a light blue track suit and maybe a violet blue vest over it, but I really dont remember a lot of the details. She did not say or do anything as far as I can recall but she was most likely a Pleiadian and making her presence known was still very telling. The Grey furthest from me entered the doorway with the other just behind. Everything became very bright and it seemed like a lot of time passed very quickly. The next thing I remember was the three people being gone. 

Walking from one side of the room to the other was a male, maybe six foot tall, who looked similar enough to the woman. His blonde hair may of been longer and he may of been bald on top. He resembled the picture above. Just like the woman I do not remember him interacting with me. The entire experience lasted around five to ten seconds, and the little bit I recall makes me think it was important. I think the dark forces wanted to access the missing time and this would explain some of the attacks I have received, although I have always had attacks. 

I woke up around 9 am and knew it was not a dream. I felt alert, but calm and well rested, and kind of happy. Were the Greys messing with my lower chakras? This site says some interesting things about low chakra blockages and I do have some of those problems. Were they trying to help or were they causing it? The Greys silhouettes resemble the figures in my room from other experiences. I wasnt sure if I was visited by hybrids before in my bedroom. They may of been these particular Greys and not hybrids at all, but I cannot be sure. The Greys interacting more directly makes sense because they do seem to be more in the middle between good and evil. Maybe that has changed since. Its why I titled one of my posts Between Light and Dark

It would make sense that they would have permission to do so. The Pleiadians not directly interacting makes sense because they seem to be light oriented. The various dark forces do not want them doing so, and the darks seem to of controlled this world for a long time. I think when they showed themselves, but did nothing more, it was a legalistic thing because we are in a war with rules. They showed me that they exist and they are here, but did not endanger me or others. I consider this a form of contact but not direct and free contact. Not just yet. They also appeared solid and in color. I have seen benevolent entities that look like them, but they were see through and ghost like. They were colorless. It couldve been them but I am not sure. Because they were colorless it gives it sort of a deniability and they communicated with me a little which I will get into below.

April 15, 2014
I fell asleep around 2:30 am. The next thing I remember is struggling to get control of my body. All I could see was darkness but I am pretty sure I was in my room. I started trying to scream and I was able to get little whimpers and noises out. At this time I became aware of a presence in the room. I had earplugs in but could somehow hear my father in the living room which was next to my bedroom. I heard his tv which he had set to a low volume. His weight shifted on the couch as he sat up and I heard the leather couch cushions depressing under his weight. He placed his feet down on the rug in front of the couch which made a very quiet muffled thud as they touched the floor. His hands pressed on the leather as he pushed himself up and I heard thudding on the rug and then louder thudding on the tile floor. 

I have always had good hearing but this was something else. I heard these things like I was right there next to him even though I was in the next room over with ear plugs in. He heard me making noises and thought I was having a nightmare. Whatever was in the room with me did not like this and it may of given me just a little more control. This entity put an idea and an image in my head simultaneously as if it was trying to calm me. If I had to put the idea into words it would be something like "Dont worry, its just your brother". 

I saw a false image of my younger brother who was about 15. I believe it was superimposed over this entity. I saw my brother coming through the wall and headboard of the bed looming over me. His face was totally black and he had a non human presence. It was definitely not him. I completely freaked out and although I was physically paralyzed, it was like a pair of arms shot out of my body and knocked it through the wall. As this happened I felt the sensation of touch from small hands, not much bigger than a childs. The weird thing is they were grabbing in the air on each side of my head above my shoulders, but it felt like they were actually grabbing my shoulders. 

This thing either pulled my energy body slightly out of my physical body by the shoulders, or it grabbed me while I was going back into my body from the astral, again by the energy bodies shoulders. This way I could not control my physical body and "wake up" and I also could not go out of body, rendering me completely helpless. Somehow when I saw my brother with his face blackened, out of pure desperation, I got control of my energy body and shoved it back. It being a little distracted from my father coming may of helped as well. I was either hearing my father while I was out of body, or I was picking up on this entities hearing because we were in such close proximity. This is probably how I could hear so well. 

As it went through the wall I heard a very shrill inhuman shriek, not far from Norwegian black metal, but worse. It sounded shocked and maybe injured. My eyes cracked open to the white walls of my bedroom illuminated by my blue violet black light. I have always slept with a night light and I think its apparent why. The door opened and my father told me I was having a nightmare. I played along. He was worried and said he loved me and left the room. 

I felt very drained and exhausted. Its presence was outside on the side of the house like it was waiting for me to go back to sleep, which I was definitely not going to do. It started moving away down the side of the house towards the backyard, slowly and very reluctantly. I felt its intent. Put into words it was like a movie villain refusing to admit defeat and quietly saying "This isnt over". It was moving away but still not leaving. They have absolutely no compassion or empathy. These demonic entities will never yield unless absolutely forced to do so. What disturbs me is that I never felt the heavy nauseous feeling from it, like I have from other entities. This entity was very sneaky, so this may of been a common occurrence. 

It was around 5 am. I was worried about not being able to sleep ever again. About 15 minutes passed. The feeling in the room started to change. It felt "lighter" and I felt less and less drained. I have always liked cold weather and the temperature seemed to drop slightly which made the room more comfortable to me. The feeling continued to change for the better. I did not sense the entity outside. 

I think I was sitting on my bed and I just looked across the room for some reason. High up on the wall almost at the ceiling, a face popped through and looked right at me. It was very feint but human looking. It had no color but if I had to guess I would say it looked like a white male with nearly straight hair down to the shoulders. This person may of been around 30 years old. They seemed concerned. I felt his intent, but just barely, and it was something like "Are you okay? Everything is fine, you can go back to sleep". Then it was gone. 

I was reluctant at first. The room seemed so much better and it took about 15 minutes, but I did fall asleep. I woke up hours later and felt fine. The person may of been a Pleiadian and I think they helped me out. The place where they peaked into my room from is actually very close to where my father sleeps. Did they alert him to what was happening and is that why he got up and came to my room? There is also the possibility that it was my father out of body, if he is a Pleiadian starseed. I feel it was a Pleiadian though. This entities image slightly reminds me of the Star Wars holograms, similar to the hybrids. Maybe other dimensionals projecting into the physical have a holographic appearance. Maybe Obi Wan saying "If you strike me down now I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" was a reference to "ascension". If thats true than he was helping from somewhere else after "death", and the holographic appearance would make sense.

This next occurrence happened sometime in 2014 or 2015, although I am not sure when. It was so strange, I did not write it in my journal afterwards. As far as when, I dont think it was in winter time but thats about all I have. I went to sleep one night which was probably after 1 to 2 am. I woke up just after sunrise in a very unusual state of consciousness. My eyelids opened up, but I did not move. I also did not feel like someone who had just been sleeping; I had no blurry vision or sticky eyelids or anything like that, just perfect clear vision. 

I awoke to an enormous and very intense presence entering the room. I felt this presence but I could not see it or any other paranormal activity, which I usually can upon waking. This entity felt like a storm of pure wrath, well beyond hate or rage. It felt like this storm had an enormous mouth that was opening up to completely consume me. I did not move and I did not react. I felt no fear at all. I was in a very calm and focused state of pure will. 

The word "No" just came out of my mouth very quietly. It was said in a way that had so much power and intent behind it that its hard to describe. There was something borderline Godlike behind it. This enormous entity stopped, completely accepted this and turned around and left. It was as if I had taken authority over it or something. It also may of needed my permission for whatever it was trying to do. It was not angry or vengeful. There was no feeling like "This is not over" like before. 

I did not contemplate or question what had just happened in the state I was in. I completely accepted it as well. My eyes closed back and I fell asleep instantly. This was some sort of demonic entity but definitely not a soldier demon. The only purpose for it that I can see is destruction. Maybe it drives people into extremely violent destructive behavior, wrath without any conscious understanding. People pushed so far by the archon network for so long that they let something in and are just instruments of pure wrath. Destruction for the sake of destruction well beyond hate, rage, or anger which are not good but can sometimes have a reason or can be retaliatory. 

Wrath can create absolute chaos, and the word chaos reminds me of the joker in The Dark Knight, although he is more deliberate and methodical. Although the joker claimed he didnt have a long term plan he did like to set up situations in which he could predict peoples behavior and control the outcome. They would choose to do something and be destroyed for it. The organized crime followed his orders and he took their money and paid their own men to kill them. He tried to manipulate the people on the ships to do the wrong thing and destroy themselves. One ship had prisoners and the other civilians. They could make a choice to destroy the people on the other ship to save themselves but what they didnt know was that doing so would actually kill them instead. It was a twisted joke of the agent of chaos. They didnt fall for it though which I thought was a nice touch in one of my favorite movie trilogies. They were forced to interact with chaos and chose the real, not perceived, high ground and came out okay. 

The organized crime did not and were destroyed. Bruce Wayne used batman as a symbol and his shadow self and did not go dark although he did almost kill the joker at least twice. It was close. Harvey Dent who seemed pretty moral and just, interacted with chaos and even though well intentioned he went dark trying to save someone he loved and trying to stop the joker. 

Maybe the dark entities need permission though so the individual makes the choice. This gives the illusion of free will in the archon matrix. The state I was in is something that some or maybe all people are capable of. It is being heavily suppressed. In that state I think people would do exactly what was necessary to peacefully break free of this control system. The right choices would come instantaneously and not be blocked by various fear based programming. The dark forces suppress it and I also wonder if they want to control our multi dimensional abilities for themselves.

Saturday April 26, 2014
My younger brother and his friend made a campfire in our backyard. They may of had pizza for dinner and they were roasting marshmallows after. I decided to join in. I burned a lot of things in the fire that I had held onto from my childhood. There were projects and books that I had made for elementary school assignments. Looking back they did not help me learn anything. I absolutely dreaded doing them and usually my mother and sister would help. That meant they usually did them for me. The young authors projects were kind of cool because I could make my own book. When my parents found out that I wanted to make my book about aliens or Power Rangers or Dragon Ball they basically scolded me and made it themselves. They made stories about hunting and fishing or haunted houses. It was clear I didnt actually write them, but I did draw the pictures. The books even won awards. 

I took them and some old art and burned them, one by one, in the fire as my brother and his friend watched and laughed. The books represented my parents control over me and their denial of my paranormal activity and what I liked and wanted. It also represented their denial that I was not a normal person. The art was pretty disturbing and I used to do a lot of drawing and painting in my childhood and teens. Once I got into my twenties and figured this world out a little more it just did not suit me anymore. 

As the night went on I began having an empty delirious feeling that got worse and worse. I got a shower and went to bed but it did not subside much. I did not sleep all night. The few hours from 4 to 7 am took forever to pass but also seemed to fly by at the same time. I could tell something wasnt right, like I was subconsciously expecting something bad to happen. I actually did fall asleep though, maybe around sunrise.

The next thing I remember was being semi conscious and hearing my delirious low moaning. I was trying to cry out but I only managed some whimpering and other disturbing sounds. I may of tried focusing on the moans and whimpers in an attempt to remain conscious. 
It was like I had been through some horrible torture and was really out of it. My moaning seemed to echo down a small corridor. My vision was blurred and everything had an eerie reddish tint. I was floating in the air unable to move and I could see red lights above me. They ran along the corridor all the way down, right where the wall and ceiling met. I felt fear and anxiety all of a sudden. I became slightly more focused and coherent. 

I saw two thin humanoid figures walking down the corridor towards me, but on the ceiling. I may of been floating upside down the whole time and these entities and the lights may of been on the floor below me. I really dont know. I could not make out a lot about them or how they moved, like if they floated off of the ground or if they stepped, because of my blurred vision. I dont think they had a normal human gait though. The closer they got to me the more the fear and anxiety grew. I could just feel how cold and emotionless they were towards me. The fear grew into extreme panic and I began crying out in sheer terror as they walked up to me. 

One reached its arm towards me and I cried out in the most delirious terrified voice I have ever heard. I felt an extremely painful cutting sensation across my testicles accompanied by the sound of wet bloody meat being sliced. I fell into extreme despair and blacked out. I awoke, paralyzed, with an enormous heavy feeling as I saw a brownish translucent Grey moving away from the center of my room straight into the closet. Once it entered, I got control of my body back. I knew my genitals were fine but I did check anyways just to be on the safe side. It was probably late morning. 

Although I was physically fine emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually I was not. I dont know if I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth first or if I went straight to the kitchen. I am a stress eater and a comfort eater, and I went to the refrigerator for leftover pizza and Mountain Dew. I could hear my brother and his friend laughing about something as they left his room. I was about to put the pizza on a pan to warm it up as my brother sat at the furthest seat at the kitchen counter nearby and his friend sat in the closest seat. As I set a metal pan down I looked across the counter top at my brother. I was still in at least partial shock and very withdrawn, even more than usual. My brother had a grin on his face and started telling me things in really smug obnoxious made up accents. One was about what prestigious university he went to (He was fourteen years old, Im not sure he was even in high school yet). They must of been having a funny and absurd conversation in the room and brought it out into the kitchen. To my left his friend was repeating what my brother was saying and they thought it was really funny. Normally I got along with them and would of laughed or made jokes or just laughed to myself at what they said and did, but this particular day I was very agitated by them. I was absolutely in no mood and I could not tell him what had happened with his friend right there. I may not of told him regardless. I did however eventually tell him to shut up. 

He arrogantly got up with a stupid smirk and walked past me further into the kitchen and stood to one side of me. He repeated himself like he was being really funny and daring. My brother would say something stupid to my right which his friend immediately repeated to my left. I may of kept my cool if it had just been one person but considering the state I was in, after a few times I told my brother "If you say it again I am going to punch you in the stomach". It was not like me to just calmly say something like that, and my brother should of caught on. Instead he arrogantly said it again, extra slow, just daring me to do something. I dont remember if his friend repeated it but he may of shown some humility or caught on and stopped by this point. 

We got into a scuffle. I didnt try to punch his face and I ended up jamming my thumb because he had his elbows down protecting his ribs. A few things were broken in the house. They got some things and waited outside for his friends parents to pick them up. If they told the parents what happened it probably made me sound like a crazy person. I ate my food, watched tv, and calmed down pretty quickly. Thats all I wanted. The entity looked like a Grey but couldve been something else. I dont recall any good or neutral experiences with them after this. The corridor couldve been on a ship or underground. I dont think it was a hallucination because of the way I was floating. The castration was an effective psychological torture. I experienced simulated castration and could not confide in anyone. I am glad it did not actually happen but telling people "I was castrated but I wasnt though" just sounds really crazy. 

It became another thing I had to repress and bury for years. When I burned the belongings in the fire I was trying to release and heal and the darks do not want people doing that. I even received some interference while trying to type all of this out, from people in my household. After I woke up from the red corridor experience the entity had walked into my closet and the other side of the wall was my brothers room. Them coming out of the room at that perfect time to piss me off was probably not a coincidence. Not only was my brother very slowly changing for the worst but his friends did too. By the time I realized it it was too late.

Friday May 2, 2014 Sometime after 3 am
I awoke to a completely overwhelming and overpowering presence of pure unconditional love and bliss that is simply indescribable. I did not struggle or even try to move or look around my bedroom. I simply took in the experience while in an open eye trance. I was immediately and very gently scooped up out of my bed by something that, as far as I could tell, was invisible.

I was an adult and whatever this was scooped me up like I was a baby. I did not even feel the slightest bit of fear or uncertainty as I was carried away from my bed. I dont know how much time passed or what happened but all of a sudden I was being carried back towards my bed. Where did we go? Was I taken out of the bedroom door somewhere? Were we beamed up into the sky or was I taken underground? Was my closet door turned into a temporary portal? Was I out of body during this entire experience? 

As we reached the bed I remember my left arm, which was at its side before, had changed position. It was now crossed over my torso. Was I taken somewhere by this presence and set down? Did I get up and move around before eventually being taken back?

I was returned back to my bed just as gently and carefully as I had been scooped up before. Although visually there appeared to be nothing there, I felt a hand gently wrap around my left wrist, pull my arm up, and place it back at its side where it was earlier. The sheet and blanket must of been pulled down before by this presence because I saw them in my periphery being pulled up from the foot of the bed and dropped over me. I felt cool air rush out from under the sheet and blanket as they fell on top of me.

I looked up at the ceiling and the open eye meditation became even deeper. I do not know how long it lasted. I came out of it and looked toward the center of my room. I was not afraid but was incredibly surprised and thought to myself, almost aloud, "What the hell just happened!?". The presence I felt before seemed to have subsided by this time. Across the room, effortlessly floating in the air, appeared a translucent ghost like figure.

As he appeared the powerful reassuring presence from before returned with him. He looked human, maybe in his twenties or thirties, and was clean shaven with nearly straight hair down to his shoulders. He did not speak but information was sent from him to me in another way. I felt and understood his intent and message instantly. Put into words the message was "Do not worry...we are here". 

Although I do not know what this benevolent entity was I believe he was a Pleiadian. They supposedly live in crystal structures out in nature. It could be the same person from the earlier story in this post. He strongly resembled a hologram. Why that is I do not know. There is an element of protection here because I really cant prove it and whatever else happened is blocked. The various dark entities most likely cannot access that info either but I will after the event happens. If they hack into my mind they will find a five to ten second experience, a colorless figure, and missing time unless I am underestimating there abilities. This was the best experience I have ever had and I believe it was the closest thing to contact possible for the surface population under the veil. It was reassurance of something existing outside of the archon matrix and a glimpse at how things should be.

Someone on CoBras 2012 portal blog who I do not personally know claimed to have an interesting experience with the Pleiadians which I will share here:

@LongStar117, sure. 2014 was a year I did Kundalini yoga every single day. I was reading Dan Brown's Inferno during this period as well. I must say it was my first source on Freemasonry. During these days, I used to read this before bed.

One day, when I was practicing Kundalini, I was communicated by a being, male energy. One or two days later after this experience, while I was making my bed that night, I was telepathically connected by two beings, and asked me to go into deep "Samadhi" before go to sleep. I agreed. I lay on my bed, back straight, no pillow, and went into deep samadhi.

Instantly, I was in my Etheric body. There were about 15 of them at my house. They were all very happy to see me. Their energy was intense and vibrant standing next to the statue of Buddha at my house.

And, one of them, the man who communicated me during my meditation invited me to go on a little trip with them. First, I politely refused. Then he said that this little journey going to be unforgettable(I must say, I had no idea of ETs, Starseeds, GF, and Dark Force during this time of my life).

We walked outside of my house and there was this helicopter in the garden. It was a scout ship but they did not want me to see/to remember it as it is so the image was replaced by an image of a helicopter because they did not want me to freak out as I still haven't awakened my memories as a starseed.

I remember looking at "the helicopter" standing next to this Pleiadean man, I felt unconditional love. I felt I am protected, and most importantly I felt I know this being but wasn't clear who, or how. Finally, I agreed to go on this little trip under one condition. That this man should take responsibility of taking caring of me throughout the trip because I did not like to travel in helicopters :). He gladly accepted. And, all of them were so happy that I agreed to go on this trip. I never met anybody who would be wholeheartedly happy to see me and just to spend time with me like this bunch. They were so happy that I finally agreed to go with them.

At this point I don't have any image of a craft what so ever. I only remember, this Pleiadean held his hand out to me to get into the craft. I clearly remember inside the craft. Very much similar to Elena Danaan's drawings on inside Thor Han's ship.

I was seated next to this Pleiadean. He telepathically controlled the ship. I remember his finger tips touching a pad through which he connect telepathically with the ship. I was kind of awestricken and at the same time felt familiar with the environment inside the ship.

Next thing, I remember that we were going through a huge thick cloud like thing. I cannot precisely say what it was. It looked like a cloud. Once we were out of it, we were at a beautiful area. The sky was very similar to an anime sky in which multi colored clouds floating around (I didn't know anime back then). There was a clear blue ocean. We landed on the beach.

Then I remember we were inside sort of a cafeteria/lounge. A beautiful lady brought a little bowl full of something look like a thick porridge made out of greens. All of them were gathered around the table. Some were seated with me.

The Pleiadean man was sitting right next to me. Now they were all waiting for me to taste what served. I took a one bite of it. I don't remember the taste but I remember what I said. I said, "This taste exactly what I thought it would be". We laughed.

Next thing I remember, entering my physical body. I had to wait about 10 minutes till the frequency adjust to physical body's. Then only I was able to open my eyes and move. It was precisely the time I usually wake up.

This wasn't my first meeting with Pleiadeans. This was my first after twelve years. I met them seven days consecutively and we talked and discussed many things. All this happened because they communicated with me.

 Elana Danaan also claims contact and I believe the above picture is hers. Being taken and carried away but not harmed is what I believe happened to me. 


  1. Thankyou for sharing!

    I wonder how many unconcious people across the world are floating through people's bed heads being creepers?

  2. This was amazing. I'm sorry for the horrible experiences you experienced. I've always and only ever "heard" of these happenings and only have wanted to experience with a Pladien. I have questions. Such as how to we return tp our non physical, is there a way tp revisit and or how do we find out what we are and where we are orginally from. "Gaia" series has been helpful on a lot of questions but the ones I aks here have not found it's conclusion.

    1. Unknown, As far as what we are and where we are from it would be nice to know but I think the answer depends on what is the real nature of this world and reality. One part of me thinks that we are supposed to reach a higher state while in this world and almost detach from all the control systems, which would allow us to "ascend". Another part of me thinks that the event scenario will play out and we are supposed to experience the physical world but in a more harmonious way. There are other possibilities but honestly I dont know. What I do know is that the only thing I have been able to do is to keep going and to stay as emotionally balanced as possible while being neutral in a peaceful non-judgemental way. Another thing I have done instinctively for years is socially and emotionally distancing. The most open minded and intuitive people I have met do this. It just feels right. Knowing the path and walking it are two different things. You can walk it without knowing where it is leading but with intuition still get there.


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