Abduction or Deception

Sunday December 22nd, 2013
I dont know what time I fell asleep but this happened sometime before sunrise. I woke up paralyzed, struggling for control over my body, and fighting to remain conscious. This has happened many times. I saw what looked like my bedroom through my very blurred vision and repeatedly dropping eyelids. I used a black light as a nightlight at the time but it looked extra dark for some reason. 

I couldnt see anyone or any entities in the room but I felt like I was not alone. I felt like time sped up and many things were being done to me very quickly. I felt the sensation of touch and pain in my testicles and saw a weird image of some elongated device in my head. I was trying to yell "HELP ME!" as loud as possible, hoping my father was in the other room. The problem was I wasnt even sure at this point if I was even in my house. The image of my room couldve been just that, an image.

As this went through my head my vision went to the closet doors, almost like it was being controlled by something, and I saw the doors with knobs that began spinning by themselves. The problem is that the door didnt have any knobs. If it did it would of had one knob and it could not spin by itself. While this spectacle was playing out I heard a voice telepathically say "Its okay, your in your bedroom". I have had demonic entities put messages in my head before, trying to get me to stop resisting, but I lean towards this being an abduction of some kind.

Whatever was going on was against my will and I did not like that. I was struggling to remain conscious throughout this whole thing and I knew I was absolutely not in my bedroom. The "magic" doorknobs and accompanying message were so unconvincing and ridiculous that I became angry and resisted even more. I attempted to lift my arm up towards the "closet doors", make a fist with an extended middle finger, and eek out the words "Fuck You". I dont know if I accomplished any of those things. At this point it felt like this experience had been going on for hours and I was in a completely helpless and childlike state and I wont write it down but my cries for help sounded like they were coming from a terrified child.

My father ended up hearing and came into my room. As soon as he did I gained control of my body. Was this an abduction or something else? I feel like he wouldve come in sooner if I was actually in my room the entire time as he was sleeping in the next room over. If it was an abduction they can pull your etheric or astral body only and make you believe you are still in bed with your body. Its possible that it was some dark entities using some very strong paralysis and hallucinatory abilities on me, but at this point I dont think so.

Saturday January 4th, 2014
After falling asleep sometime in the early morning I had a weird dream. There was a park and a track for walking or running near my house. I used to walk there nearly everyday and thats where I found myself in this dream. I cannot recall what I was doing there but it was a familiar place and I didnt even realize I was dreaming. I suddenly found myself in an eerie hotel room. It had a lifeless feel to it and the lighting had a blue green tint. No one was there and I couldnt hear a sound.

I figured out pretty quickly that it wasnt real and felt I was being tricked again. I found myself in my room lying in bed. My vision was leaning left making it appear my head was too, but I couldnt feel my head leaning over. I also felt really out of it and had to struggle to remain conscious. I felt like I couldnt move my head so I tried moving my body.

I had the desire to get out of bed and my vision moved down to my hands pulling my sheet and blanket off of me and then getting out of bed. But I couldnt feel any of this from my body sliding on the bed as I got up, to my feet on the floor. It all felt really off. I couldnt feel my body as I slowly made it halfway to the door.

I wanted to leave my room and find my parents or something and I was instantly back in bed. I slowly struggled back up and got halfway to the door and found myself back in bed. Because I was so out of it I just couldnt figure out what was going on and this repeated many times. I became mentally exhausted and demoralized from fighting and struggling and getting no where.

I found myself back in bed again. The first person video of my bedroom panned over to the closet door where a green light began to glow maybe baseball sized. It quickly shot across what appeared to be my room and struck me in the head. It felt like my consciousness was knocked out of my body and then shot back in like it was elastic. It was extremely disorienting and I almost blacked out right then and there.

Less than a minute later it happened again and I half told whatever was doing this "okay, I will cooperate" and I lost consciousness. I woke up around 12 am and saw a dark purple cloud hover above the closet and move towards the bedroom door. It had a slight pulse and glow with a dim violet aura. It was gone within 10 seconds.

Sunday July 20th, 2014
I fell asleep around 2:30 am and the next thing I knew I was staring at my ceiling. I could not move, blink my eyes, speak, and I felt like I was floating and not laying in my bed. I may or may not of been in my room. Instead of struggling and fighting, or trying to look around to figure out what was going on like I usually did, I just completely gave in for some reason.

It was like the world below me just opened up and swallowed me. I shot straight back and down into a deep cold blackness. I dont know if this was out of body or physical but it was not a nice feeling. I felt pretty helpless and whatever was going on, it seemed like a really fast and scary way to lower someone down a tunnel. I thought of the sea of fire experience and I felt a great connection and love for Jesus.

The next thing I knew I was lying down, or maybe floating again, with my eyes closed and I was viewing what appeared to be my bedroom through my minds eye. I dont know where I really was or if the tunnel thing even happened. Maybe I was sent back to my room? I saw something translucent between me and my closet. It was between 5 and 6 feet tall and had a short stocky build. It did remind me of a reptilian. I only saw it for a couple of seconds and I tried to say "Wait show me that again!".

The next thing I remember was lying in bed and being paralyzed. I thought my brother was walking out of his room and I took the deepest breath possible. It ended up being a quick short and shallow breath. I tried to yell for help but it was just a whimper. This repeated maybe half a dozen times. I was able to open my eyes a little more and I thought I saw my brother in the doorway coming to help. It ended up being my father who thought I was having a nightmare. I got control over my body, waited about 30 minutes, and actually went back to sleep.

Saturday April 18th, 2015
Sometime in the mid to late morning I woke up half way. The sun may of just started rising but I am not sure. There was movement around the tv but whatever it was it was translucent so I couldnt make out what it was. I had the feeling of being watched and I was very uncomfortable because I knew I wasnt alone in the room. I was very tired and kept falling back asleep and I would wake up half way and it would be there again.

I tried telepathically calling the Pleaiadians. I saw them in my head and greeted them with a handshake and I thought about what there presence felt like too. I asked them if they werent too busy if they could watch over me while I slept. I even asked the Greys for help. I woke up again and there were still entities in the room. I asked for help again and fell back asleep. I woke up again and the sun was up.

Something was floating in front of the closet door. It was a large blurry shape larger than an adult human head and stretched vertically. It might of been some sort of opening or doorway to somewhere else. I could look into this opening and there was something looking back out at me. I saw a large eye staring out, bigger than a human eye. It reminded me of the brown eyed Greys. Its brow was furrowed a little and it didnt seem very friendly but the entities by the tv were gone. I felt like it was saying "We've got our eye on you". The shape began to move up as the eye disappeared. It continued moving up and it disappeared into the vents. Almost like being beamed up.

How many of these various experiences have been abductions or just some sort of archon hallucinations while they are hacking and feeding? Hostile non physical Greys or Reptilians can seem almost demonic so I really cannot be sure. There are too many similarities between the two. If the ETs would be a little more open about what they are doing then maybe it would be easier to tell. My problem is I had what seemed to be a lot of Grey activity which then quickly turned into archon activity and then a few good Pleiadian experiences. This made me question if the Grey activity was legitimate. If it was archon deception then why all of the UFO sightings. I felt a strong ET presence during those sightings.

I have had what I am pretty sure were abductions but I have caught archons feeding off of me and trying to hack into me. They want to control people and I look at it like they are hacking into a computer, in this case the brain which is a biological computer. They may be doing this with our energy bodies as well. This is also where etheric implants would come in as a part of the archon network. Manipulation of the energy bodies would manipulate things on the physical. If veil tech isnt enough than thats where a variety of entities directly target you.


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