The Mothman and The Burning Symbol

After the world did not end back in 2012 and my 11:11 experience on January 11th, 2013 I was interpreting any paranormal activity as a good thing which looking back was probably foolish. I used to go for walks at night and one night everything was very still and silent. It was a little strange and I felt like I was being watched. I looked straight up to the violet brownish colored sky (it was a weird night). There was something gliding along overhead, maybe 100 ft up, as if it was keeping an eye on me. 

It was translucent and I could see the sky through it as if it was cloaked. Whatever it was it had a pretty large wingspan. At the time I was obsessed over the paranormal and had a particular interest in the Mothman. I couldnt make out what it was but it resembled a large winged creature, what else could it of been? I was not ready to accept it at the time and just forgot about it.

February 8th, 2013

I had a dream but all I remembered was a weird object that looked a bit like a turtle shell, although more complex. I woke up around 4 am and saw an image of the same symbol on the wall next to my closet. It was a blurry dark blue color and about the size of a soccer ball. It had faded away within five seconds. The fact that the image from the dream was there when I awoke tells me it was not a dream at all. I have no idea why it was a symbol of a turtle shell. It reminded me of the turtle hermit from dragon ball.

February 10th, 2013

I fell asleep around 2 am and woke up shortly after. I was fixated on a translucent brownish Grey alien head on the other side of the room. It was either floating five feet off the ground in front of the closet door or coming through the door. It was looking at me and quickly faded away. A gray symbol appeared as if being drawn onto the door, which then faded and was replaced by another symbol. I dont know how many times this repeated, maybe three. 

The symbols are complex and three dimensional and I cannot remember what they look like. When I try drawing them they come out very plain and flat. The whole event lasted about ten seconds. On the 11th I was awoken around 2 to 3 am by a very loud electronic ping sound but as far as I can remember nothing else happened. I looked at symbols from different cultures but its hard to capture. I found art online from people trying to recall symbols from their abductions. Crop circles are a little closer though as they are somewhat 3D. 

 Feb 13th, 2013

Around 3 am I awoke to more symbols forming on the door but writing and drawing it out afterwards was very difficult. One did resemble the infinity 
symbol though.
On the 19th I was lying in bed unable to sleep. I was very down and resentful towards whatever was doing all of this. I wished that ET would of just stood home. Over towards the closet and bedroom door there were blurry translucent human silhouettes around six foot tall entering through the doors. I still felt down and was unaffected by them. One of the figures left the closet and moved right through my body. I felt better afterwards

Feb 20th, 2013

I fell asleep before 3 am and woke up at some point before 5. Just like before a symbol formed and I was frozen and laser focused on it. There is this very intense energy during this hyper alert state but without any fear. It just happens. This does not change till the symbols are finished. Strangely I can just go back to sleep after these things happen and thinking it was over thats exactly what I did.

I had a "dream" where I was in my room, although the placement of objects did look a little off. As a child I always slept with a light on and had a favorite batman nightlight. It looked a little like a biblical figure with the sun behind the head but instead it was the midnight sun. The room was dimly lit by four Batman nightlights, just like the one I had as a child, and I walked over and turned one off. It was near a little green dragon sculpture that looked like Shenron from Dragon Ball. This is one of my few experiences involving dragons. At least as far as I can recall.

Next I was in the living room of my parents house lying on a bed. The room was lit by my grandfathers old wooden box tv set which I was watching. The wall dividing the living room from the kitchen and the rest of the house had a space up top. I could see light coming through from my father in the den watching sports or something. 

Then a figure shot over the dividing wall and disappeared behind me. It looked like the Mothman. My tv shut off and I turned it back on. My fathers tv turned off which extinguished some of the light and my tv shut off again leaving me in total darkness. It felt like I was being smothered and attacked by the darkness and I could hear my muffled cries for help to my father.

I woke up with an intense laser focus on the closet door. Another gray image was being drawn onto the door. Once the image was completed it was as if something was going back over it from the beginning to the end causing the image to glow a bright red orange, as if it was being burned in. It was a humanoid image but definitely not human. It couldve been a Reptilian or the Mothman but just like before I cannot seem to draw it. Its head was framed with these spiky things. It looks a little like the figures below (Draco, Omega Shenron, and some Marvel villian). I feel like there is a lot of information in these symbols. They may be downloads of info, for good or bad purposes, or they may be unlocking things in me. 

The hyper focused state, when I saw the humanoid image, was not unlike the state I was in with the abomination encounter. Maybe there is a connection. Once the entire image was finished it glowed extra bright and the first part to be drawn faded into a gray. That continued from beginning to end until the entire image was gray. Then it faded very quickly. Years later I saw the movie Doctor Strange. When they used their psychic powers and created those symbols my jaw dropped a little because they remind me of the symbols I was seeing. From the front they appear flat but you know there is more to them. From the side they are multi-dimensional and moving.

Feb 26th, 2013

I woke up and fell back asleep around 9 to 10 am and had a "dream". I was almost completely paralyzed in what appeared to be my room. My field of vision had a crack running from the upper right to the lower left that looked kind of like broken glass. I was fixated on the closet and the Batman night light that was on the wall. I struggled to move and call out for help but could only look a little to the right and left while making whimpers. I feel the image of the room was masking whatever was really going on. 

I was then quickly blasted by a number of blurry symbols in rapid succession. I dont remember how many there were but maybe half a dozen. It was very disorienting. I woke up, shrugged the experience off, and wrote it down some time later. I dont understand the purpose of these experiences. Are they alien abductions, and if so are they out of body? Are the symbols a form of communication with my subconscious or are they upgrading or unlocking something? 

One resembled the symbol for the spear of Odin, oddly enough.

The problem here, just like many of my experiences is that there are little to no answers here. The Batman night light and Dragon Ball references are things that the archons or extraterrestrials could know about me from my childhood. Is this something reaching out and trying to help me, although cryptically, or is it all an archon deception? I believe it is both. 

On October 12th, 2013 I woke up sometime in the early morning although I am unsure exactly when. A little more than six foot in the air at the top left corner of the closet door was an insect like head watching me. It had a gray color with a greenish tint. It was there for only a second and quickly faded away. It was actually pretty close to the head of the picture below with the only difference being the mouth was not as wide and may of had mandibles. It resembled the Mothman, but I dont know.


  1. Did all of the experiences that you've reported on this blog begin after heavy exploration or did it just come naturally?

    Are we born in to this? Would it have happened without curiousity? Did you ever have a choice? Are we on rails or freely exploring?

    1. Syrio, I made some changes after leaving out some important details about the symbols so you might want to look through the post again. I dont know if I can answer your questions but I may address it all in a future post.

    2. Your implying I missed something while yourself missing something lol.

      I'll keep seeking interesting people and conversation... Bye-bye

  2. My removals are much more visceral than thoughts. Imagine matter exploding in to light and being sent back home!

    I saw your other post on the portal too. There are plateaus to this journey. Keep pushing up the slope! They can't touch you or your experience beyond a certain point. I don't know what sort of life you lead but service to others done joyfully will absolutely launch you past any struggles, within or without!

    I doubt you need any advice from me, I'm just having fun!


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