The above picture is from this site. I like the art style and subject matter so I will include it in my post.

None of the pictures used in the this post are my own but they are close enough to what was seen. In the early 2000s, my older step brother saw a ufo. He was at his apartment building with his girlfriend. He had a friend over with his girlfriend. They had been drinking and were outside talking. They saw something floating in the sky over a wooded area near the apartment complex. As they stared at it they saw that it was almost triangular shaped and was the size of a large house, covered with symbols. It sounds a bit like the alien artifact from the game DeadSpace.

Spring 2010

I was 18 to 19 years old and was in a public library. I began walking towards the exit a little after six pm. The woman who worked at the front desk smiled and waved. I casually waved back and exited. It was completely silent outside, which was bizarre because this was at a busy college campus. There was not a single person outside and I felt different. Everything was incredibly surreal. It was like time stopped. As I walked out of the library I made a left and walked along the tall brick building. I wasnt thinking about anything. It was like what was happening was destined to happen. As I passed the building to my left it opened up to a little grassy field.

I dont know why but I just knew to look up and left. The sky was covered by a layer of oarnge pink cloud and up there to my left was a golden light. It was a solid glittering line of light in a curved shape, like an arrow pointing up. It may of been made of many lights. Its light was different than any artificial light or the sun. It was very bright but you could look right at it. For some reason I looked at it like I had seen it many times, or like it was supposed to happen. I then turned right and went to the parking lot and completely forgot about this experience for six months.

Late 2011

I was probably around 19-20. I was walking at around 8:30 pm less than 50 ft from my house. It was almost the exact spot where my older step brother had guns pulled on him many years before. It was cool out with a nice breeze moving gently through the oak and palm trees in my neighborhood. Light clouds blew across the night sky. There was a full moon out and the stars were exceptionally bright and numerous.

I was in a serene and blissful state. And like before I just knew to look up and saw an exceptionally large and bright 'star' quickly drop down and to the right. It disappeared behind a cloud. I knew it was a ufo, but I wanted to be absolutely sure, and I started rationalizing it away. Maybe it was a shooting star or something. I kept my eye on the cloud as it continued across the sky. Then, as if it was giving me confirmation of what it was, the object jumped up and stopped behind another cloud which eventually disappeared over the horizon.

February 12, 2012

I was on the side of my house around 8:30pm. Once again I just knew to look up as something strange happened in the sky. An incredibly fast moving object appeared, shot across the sky, then disappeared. It was much bigger than any stars and was sort of a blurry white triangular object. It was a little bigger than my thumbnail if I held my hand up to the sky.

Thursday October 2, 2014

It was around 7:30pm at sunset. I was listening to music in deep thought, pacing on my driveway. I absentmindedly looked past some trees in the yard and saw three very bright white-blue pulsing and flashing objects. They were a little bigger than stars would be and the pulsing made them stand out. If they were the first stars visible they shouldve been more faint. The wind was blowing the tree limbs around so I figured the moving limbs in front of the objects was playing tricks on my eyes.

Still deep in thought I turned away and slowly turned back and was shocked. One of the stars had completely disappeared. The other two slowly faded away as I realized the objects were not stars but ufos.

This experience happened late 2013 to mid 2014 but I do not have an exact date and time. For some reason I did not write it down in my journal.

I was in my early twenties meeting up with some younger friends at a local track/football field. It was sunset and one of my friends showed up with this guy. He had a gang affiliation and had some interesting stories. He told me that he had been sold a cell phone by a friend and found out it was stolen from one of the biggest drug dealers in south florida which led to him almost being killed. We talked about a variety of things and he informed me that he had been recently released from prison.

He was in st lucie county to lie low for a while. I have met family of Italian and Russian mafia and this particular city in south florida was growing so fast with people from all over that its perfect for hiding or witness protection. We started talking about the supernatural. I told him about my ufo sightings and he hesitated, then he told me about something he saw while in prison.

He was by the fences in the prison yard far away from the main buildings.

There was a tall fence with razor wire up top. On the other side there were guards with shotguns and behind them was another tall fence covered with razor wire. There were large guard towers with catwalks connecting them to the prison. He heard commotion from the guards and looked toward the towers and prison. Hovering over the prison was a large black oval shaped disk. It was the size of a football field and had purple, green, and white flashing lights on the sides.

It was moving low and slow over the prison and coming towards him. The guards on the catwalks had already dropped their rifles and ran to the towers to hide. Everyone in the yard ran into the prison. The guys by the fences werent going to run towards the craft to hide in the prison so they turned around and tried to climb the fences. There was razor wire up top and the guards on the other sides of the fence told them to get down and lay on the floor.

The object slowly made its way to them and passed overhead. It never sped up or slowed down but maintained a constant speed, and disappeared over the horizon. I asked a lot of questions. The object had no visible form of propulsion like helicopter blades or a jet engine. It was definitely exotic tech. People go through life and everything is supposed to fit into a general official story.

This was one experience that didnt and it did change this person. I believe there are many people with these stories and they will go public someday. I tried telling him that to be that close to the surface it had to be military or renegade et's but there was only so much I could say. We parted ways, talked once more after, and I havent seen him since.

Mid to late 2014

I dont have exact dates for the next stories. I had a friend connected with the military contractor group blackwater and a Ukrainian friend, both of whom lived very close to me. These people never met each other but told me separately about there sightings. The blackwater friend had seen an object that looked like a green comet that did maneuvers like a ufo.

The other friend had seen multiple objects that looked like stars but moved slowly across the sky. One sighting had three large bright stars moving across the sky while spinning around each other. As they spun they changed from red to green over and over again.

Then in 2016 I was looking at the night sky while over my parents new house. I felt a sense of longing and sadness. Then I saw two feint white stars appear, drop at an angle, and then disappear. They stood parallel the entire time and I dont believe they were part of a meteor shower.

October 7th, 2018 at around 12:25am

I was outside walking my parents dogs. In my periphery I saw a very large blurry white light shoot across the sky and dart behind a cloud. I didnt get a very good look at it, so Im not a hundred percent sure of what it was. There were many large clouds moving across the sky and I watched but did not see it again.

Wed october 10th, 2018

I was walking my parents dogs again around 10:30pm. I intuitively knew to look up and in the same place in the sky as a few days before, I saw what I believed to be the same object. It was blurry and circular shaped, and too big to of been a streak from a meteor shower. It was around the same size as the full moon, or an adults thumbnail if they held there hand to the sky. I am more convinced now that they both may have been pleiadian ships.

Mon July 8th, 2019

Around 1:44am I walked into the kitchen and saw and noticed the time. 144 is a number I always see. A few hours before I randomly checked my direct tv box and saw that the twilight zone had a marathon and it recorded 144 episodes. It said 144 new/ 144 total. I worked out and listened to Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon.

I went out for a walk around 4:30am and started listening to Wish You Were Here, before abruptly turning it off. I started heading home around 5am. I looked up through some trees and saw a bright white star moving across the sky. It moved faster than an aircraft but slower than a streak from a meteor shower. It disappeared over the tree line.

Late September, 2019

I was outside, maybe around 10pm, and the sky had a lot of cloud cover on the horizon. As I looked at the clouds, I noticed a dip in the cloud cover showing dark blue sky. It was like a gap between large clouds in the shape of an upside down pyramid. As I noticed this I saw a bright white star appear and drop into the sky gap. It moved a little slower than a streak from a meteor shower. I believe it was a ship. 

Saturday November 13th, 2021 
Since September 2019 I have not seen any UFOs although I did see streaks of light in the night sky which were most likely meteor showers and some that fell fairly close to the ground. Some of these streaks in the sky stood out but as far as I could tell were not UFOs. On November 13th I was out walking one of my parents dogs. The moon had an almost rainbow glow around it, probably from chemtrailing and parts of the sky were very clear revealing some stars. Other parts were blanketed by thick white gray clouds that glowed in the moonlight, the moon being about two thirds full. These blankets of cloud were full of holes revealing the dark blue night sky above them. 

I felt kind of good during the day after testing out some orgonite tower busters but still felt unsure about the state of things in my life and the world as a whole. I was a little angry while walking the dog back towards home and was thinking about 2020 for some reason and the clueless public view of the riots and craziness that took place. When we arrived home I walked around the house and was going to enter through the back patio. 

As I did I saw over the roof of the house off in the distance an object, a yellow orange sphere, passing just over the scattered clouds. It was going at an angle, possibly south, moving away from me. It moved faster than a plane or jet but slower than a streak from a meteor shower, all without a sound an without any streak of light behind it. I could see it through the holes in the cloud cover until it disappeared behind thicker cloud cover off in the distance. I took it as a sign to relax and not feel frustrated. I only saw it for maybe a second or two.


  1. Seen a lot of stuff like that as well.

    We need direct ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY.

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Okami, have you thought about making videos instead of text?

      Text is more influenced by our masks. To hear your flow could inspire! Maybe I'll hear your sensual deep voice and suddenly start living my best life? Nah...


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