The Abomination

Monday June 11, 2018

After going to bed sometime after midnight I had what started as an eerie disturbing dream but I dont believe it was a dream at all. I found myself in my room, standing in front of my bed. Something was wrong. The lighting in the room looked almost fake. It cast no shadows. The feeling in the room just felt off. I couldnt focus and felt like I was losing consciousness as I struggled to walk to the bedroom door. My vision swayed left and right against my will and I had poor control over my body. It was almost like I was on a track or watching a movie in the first person, but with the illusion of control.

There was no feeling of my feet on the floor or of the cool air conditioning on my skin. Everything seemed fake, like a counterfeit of the real world. I was instinctively calling out for help but it was all I could do to make low brief and indiscernible wails and moans. This has happened many times. These experiences are usually reoccurring and the most common are an eerie hotel and my childhood home, especially the bedroom. As I made it to the door, struggling to remain conscious, I suddenly gained complete control within this illusory counterfeit and spun around. Near my bed was a large spherical black violet mass.

Its translucent surface was moving sort of like water that had been disturbed but it looked far more unnatural and almost lumpy. The black liquid described by Herald Kautz-Vella comes to mind. It had a strange presence, not quite hostile but very anomalous. I feel it had a sort of consciousness about it almost like an artificial intelligence or something. I dont know if I touched it or if it was a few feet away but it was very close. I feel that I interacted with it in some way when I felt its presence and consciousness, maybe telepathically. 

The next thing I knew I was somewhere else. Although I did not get a good look at my surroundings I did see a little in my periphery. The sky was cloudless and a black violet color. The ground was barren, sandy, and rocky with an eerie violet glow. I have no idea where I was but it looked a little like the Marvel Thor depiction of Svartalfheim, or even the South Dakota badlands but with different lighting. This may of been a different realm.

I was possibly floating in the air while in a powerful hyper focused state. It was very intense and felt completely natural. My consciousness was pure will and intent and nothing else. I had no fear, doubt, or hesitation. It was almost like being a living god. As far as I can recall it has happened only one other time although it was a bit different. My experience with what may of been the Pleiadians was similar but it was a feeling of bliss and benevolence. This was a battle of consciousness. In front of me was an enormous circular pitch black tunnel. It was like an endless pit that opened in front of me and went on forever over the horizon. The top was up in the sky and the bottom reached down to the ground.

I have no way to put it to scale but it may of been miles across. I could see that the dense heavy darkness was moving. It was somewhat conscious. Haunting inhuman moaning, wailing, and sobbing echoed throughout the tunnel. I could feel what it felt. It was completely consumed by the deepest hopelessness, suffering, and fear.

That is all it enormous mass of suffering. There was nothing there to try and reason or communicate with. Whatever it was, if anything else was ever there, it is long gone now. The mass of darkness was trapped in a state of pure horror over its own existence. It was absolutely terrified of being seen for what it really was, an abomination that should have never been. It may of been aware of me and trying to pull away. Was it a mass of anomalous dark entities, trapped human soul fragments, or was it a collection of humanities suffering including my own? I dont know. 

What I dont think I shared here before is that while I stared into this moving circular tunnel and heard all of the horrible sounds echoing inside of it, it seemed so foreign and anomalous to me especially in the hyper conscious state I was in. We could not of been any further apart from one another. I said, possibly aloud and not telepathically, "I choose love".

I was still in my altered state of consciousness as my eyes shot open. I was hyper focused on two floating entities facing me in the center of my room. One was covered from head to toe by a long robe made of pitch black smoke. Its face was blackened under a large hood. A black cloud floated to its left. I felt as though there was at least one more entity around too.

The horrible sickening heavy feeling that dark entities emanate was absent and they turned around and quickly fled through the wall. I have never seen them do that. I felt ultra confident and focused as I sat up in bed. I wasnt tired like someone who had just woken up but wide awake. I knew it wasnt a dream and I knew that while it was happening too. I am one hundred percent convinced of that to this day. I got up to get a drink of water and use the bathroom. I walked outside with one or both of my parents dogs ( cant remember ) and gradually started coming down. I wasnt shocked or taken aback by this experience as if it was supposed to happen or had already happened many times before. It took a while for me to come down and longer to fall back asleep.


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